Of course, they blamed the opposition and the US, because... yeah, who cares, its never their fault... But no one believes them.
Wonder if its also America's fault that the Petro websites are now offline:
RIP El Petro
I feel bad for these people, they got suckered in to buying paper certificates representing Petro holdings a couple weeks before its death:
Completely their fault for centralizing it, since "socialists" don't believe in the freedom of a free market. They say that's how capitalists keep "exploiting the masses", therefore in their infinite wisdom the only solution they can think of from letting people decide for themselves where to work or buy, and for how much; is to "command" the whole thing entirely (planned economy, fixed prices, fixed exchange, etc), since... people can't ever play nice to each other by themselves and have to be, "guided/educated" (coerced) into...
But don't worry, I think that Petro site might come back up, its probably down due to the frequent blackouts. Doesn't mean people will ever see their money back, you can write in the history book of crypto-currencies that even a Goverment made an ICO scam.
To guess their rhetoric, yes, the Petro is site is currently down because USA "attacked" the national electric grid...
Also their lack of skills is not limited to electricity, IT is seriously lacking, most of their systems are outdated, unlicensed and even cracked crapware that any script kiddie can take down at any point (and have done for years), but since corruption is the number one driving force, there was always someone benefiting from dubious sales of both equipment and licenses, at outrageous prices paid by Venezuelan's oil/tax money, and no one can do or say anything about it because... A) They don't care, or B) You are an imperialist for daring pointing an obvious flaw or C) Since you know so much you must be involved therefore go to prison. In this country people can land in prison for posting the wrong tweet, go figure...
Petro came from Dash, but the few nodes that exist belong to the gov, no software code was ever released (infringing their own laws), there are also no wallets beyond the only online wallet in that specific site. So if that site goes down, so does the Petro.