Can you two idiots stop saturating this thread with your egotistical bullshit?
Nobody cares about how great you think you are. People are here because either they invested in VERI or they are interested in it.
So I ask if you both could raincheck your egos and leave this thread.
When I suggested the team to do a comprehensive FAQ, it was never for ego.
I believe I was objective, reasonable, and logical.
It is only subjective, unreasonable and illogical for a person that can do many videos with countless hours of production and viewing time, but cannot do a comprehensive FAQ.
I am not suggesting to write a thick book, nor disclose any trade secret.
Microsoft and others didn't write a FAQ explaining their software codes, so I do not expect the same from Veritaseum.
In case, you also fail to see the usefulness of having a FAQ, then I say you are intellectually blind.