pool.verters.comDon't deceive users! Return the correct calculation % of the block what was 3 months ago! The percent has to be twice more!
Really users of your pool aren't able to consider?
LMAO, take Shares divide by Shares Est to get percentage at per block. Sum(Shares) divide by Sum(Shares Est) to get Percentage over a period of time. What so hard? Do you also do average of averages?
I think he's saying the expected shares of the last 4 blocks found was 191,174. But the shares estimate on the general screen shows 382,348. The actual numbers from both screen actually match with 365,967.
I don't know how to calculate the expected shares, so I have no idea which seems more likely. I think he feels the individual block numbers are more valid. so instead of the main screen displaying 365,967/382,348 = 95.72% it should really be 365,967/191,174 = 191.43%
Basically it would take the pool from better then expected (95.72%) to almost 2X worse then expected (191.43%)
I had to read this several times to understand what the problem was, and even then could only do it by actually doing the math to see what was wrong...