with the current market situation i wouldn't recommend trading within the narrow price swings.
always consider if your possible gain in profit is worth the risk of buying back in at loss.
that risk depends if you're more oriented towards shortterm or mid to longterm trading.
(i'm longterm so i don't care about 10- 20 $ swings)
I recommend just starting to read the thread for a while and don't hesitate to ask questions.
after some time you are able to filter out the useful posts from the fud.
(ah and somebody's member status isn't always suggesting more trustworthiness in his comments,
the colour of ignore button helps to separate the wheat from the chaff from time to time)
The pro has spoken. Haha just fucking with ya.
i wouldn't consider myself pro in any sense, i made lot of mistakes after the burst of the bubble
(bought in at loss more than once because i got shaky hands in fear of missing some action).
my advice is just based on my experiences when i took part in this game and on what i think i should have sticked with then...
everybody has to figure out on their own what style of trading suits them most.
besides that i gave up hope to find a pic of a drunken monkey in front of a computer on the web