The moment we free ourselves from the tyranny of the goverment and become free...
I'm selling you my laptop and all my bitcoins for a bow , 10 arrows and a blanket.
A common reaction. People often imagine that without centrally enforced rules, everything would instantly dissolve into a dog-eat-dog war zone with people killing other people at random, looting, raping and taking a shit in front of your door (someone once provided this as an argument in this very same discussion with me..). As if the only thing stopping people from acting this way right now is the looming threat of imprisonment and punishment by the legal system. Divide and conquer still seems to be working quite well.
Have you ever noticed that laws are there for OTHER people? As in the laws are here to prevent other people from killing me and stealing my stuff. Not to prevent me from doing the same. I'm a decent fellow. It's those
other bastards...
A little reminder. living a quiet life eating pies with their neighbours and talking about how bad their goverment is with a beer in their hands don't have a clue what happens when there is no central authority.
The same neighbour will kill you for food simply because he doesn't want to die first.
Armed gang will soon appear because it's human nature to seek power and to gain control , also to ensure your own life. Kill before getting killed.
What happend is former Yugoslavia and what happend right after the fall of mother Russia in the ex-soviets states is a clear example.
Ps. I live close to the serbian-romanian border , so the shit going there was real.
When we treat other people as "competitors" then stealing and such when times get tough is a predictable outcome. But we have known no other form of government and economics. We are taught in the schools that Darwin was right, when nature shows us cooperation is right. (Even with Lions hunting prey, Nature is mostly a brilliant example of cooperation).
So, you can express your examples till the cows come home, but your (our) operating system is an artificially created one. See, we don't know what human nature truly is if we watch TV, experience wars, etc. because we have been programmed from an early age to believe the BS they have been feeding us.
There are examples of peoples in the world (e.g. - Kogi) who are quite peaceful and retreat in the face of fighting (they did). But they don't follow our culture. And as this sick operating system is replaced by a more cooperative one, peoples will look back at this time and speak with certainty of how wrong we were about "people are inherently evil".