The use of the exclamation marks and writing style makes me think they are probably German. I don't think they are using google translate because they make regular spelling mistakes.
Difficult to analyse, but I really doubt English is taught so badly in Germany. I don't know anyone talking such a gibberish in Germany (if I translate it directly).
But great idea to collect interesting shitposts here! I'm looking forward to new ones!
It was based on the name of the user and use of lots of exclamation marks.
Something that I have seen both you and Lafu do.
Grammar is quite different so it is easy to make mistakes with context and word meanings as well. For some people it is easier to learn a language than others.
I'm sure that the English being taught in Germany is quite meticulous - but there are always people that get an failed result.
Your Dutch neighbors managed to make a few mistakes at international meetings.
A Dutch junior minister introduced herself at a foreign conference and said “I’m sitting in the second chamber and I’m having my first period"
(She was serving her first term in parliament)
Joseph Luns (Dutch minister of foreign affairs) was asked by John F Kennedy if he had any hobbies.
He replied : “I fok horses” Kennedy glanced at him and said “pardon? Luns replied ‘Yes, horses!” (Fok in Dutch means "breed")
Joop den Uyl introduced the Netherlands as "“we are a nation of undertakers”. (onderneemer means entrepreneur but if translated literally is undertaker)
Of course in English "to undertake" and "undertaker" means two different things.
Pepsi slogan "the choice of a new generation" was mistranslated into Chinese as "awakens your ancestors from the dead"
OK, here's a question from left space: What was your book Slut about?
It was called Sex, my book.
Not in Hungary. Here it was called Slut.