He said he tried to send them all to a clean wallet and it wasn't working after 3 hours. Until he has an alternative solution working, this is just how it is Seb. It's unacceptable to everyone but we're all in the same boat, so all he can do is process in the order of tickets. I've been through this with ukyo in detail on irc, this really is how it has to be done right now. No priorities for anyone.
It sucks but at least ukyo does not appear to be scamming - although doing so much on your own has just bitten him back - and there is no 4k 'hack'.
My ticket date is also 28th. Will post when processed.
Why do you speak about order of tickets? He stated that he works the withdraw requests up, ticket or no ticket shouldt matter. Or did he claim otherwise to you? His statements here sound like tickets doesnt matter.
By the way, i never said i want my withdraw done before others. I want all withdraws done faster. You realize that withdraw requests from yesterday will be done in 38 days with the current speed? People waiting that long will mean a super-gau for ukyo.
So he tried sending all bitcoins to another wallet and it failed. But he claims it works to send a certain amount to another wallet to work up smaller transfers from there then. So there is a sweet spot where it still works.
Anyway. Every wallet has a private key. And with that private key the whole wallet can be imported into bitcoin-qt, for example. And there bulk transactions can be done. I think there is a good chance that bitcoin-qt can handle that amount of addresses that bitcoin-d cant handle. Importing a wallet has nothing to do with sending all bitcoins to another wallet in case you dont know that. (It sounded like this because i spoke about importing the private key into another wallet and you answered about sending all coins to another wallet.)
I dont want a special treatment but its not acceptable to wait another 10 days on top of the 14 i already wait. And im sure many others need their money too.
Im fully aware that ukyo is working hard but i want to hear what hindrance there is to import the private key(s) into another wallet.