Ist mir wirklich ein Rätsel, wie man sich um hunderte Accounts kümmern kann.
Ich frage mich wie viele Leute dahinter stecken, die sich die Einnahmen teilen? Eine Person allein, kann ich mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen.
Das wurde im englischsprachigen Thread teilweise vom Betrüger selbst schon aufgeklärt. Die Storyline geht stark verkürzt in etwa so (keine Garantie wie glaubwürdig die Story ist):
Der Typ war ein armer Student und hat mit einem Account bei Bounty-Kampagnen teilgenommen. Er fängt an weitere Accounts zu kaufen und hochzuziehen und merkt, dass er jetzt nicht mehr alle beaufsichtigen kann. Anschließend stattet er seine Kollegen/Freunde etc. mit Accounts aus, von denen diese dann Posts verfassen sollen. Die eingehenden Erträge der Kampagnen teilt er dann mit seinen Freunden entsprechend, wobei er durch die E-Mail etc. immer im Besitz der Accounts bleibt. Letztlich schafft er sich so eine Armee von Shitpostern von denen er ordentlich profitiert. Natürlich sieht er sich in der Geschichte gewissermaßen als Opfer.. aber am besten lest ihr selbst den englischen Originalbeitrag.
Hier der Originalbeitrag des Scammers (
Vorsicht hier folgt Englisch!):
Hello fellas, I know everyone is so shocked/upset towards this case. Believe me, I am too. I didn't knew the concept of HD wallet, that's why I'm fucked rn and this happened. It's not a normal bust because there's too much account involved here; including this account (Polar91). And I know that you know that I still have many accounts right there who's yet to be discovered and you're right. I still have hundreds of accounts who are yet to be discovered. Some of them are currently in signature campaign. Go check them all busters if you can. But I doubt that you can since most of them are not linked to my busted HD wallet. I'm using an exchange wallet for my other accounts. In order to make things clear, I'm admitting that these accounts whom got busted belongs to me. I'm not writing this to appeal nor defend myself with regards to this case but rather to make things clear.
So here's the story why I did this. I'm currently a student. I started joining signature campaign since 2016 (I'm senior highschool that time). At that time, my lunch money (baon) seems not enough for me thus I told myself that I needed to workhard to buy foods that I wanted to eat. Until such time, I've seen a bigger opportunity as my classmates asked me to borrow my account thus they can make profit too. So I made a deal with them. You know what kind of deal it is. And that continues until now. I know it seems to be wrong with you because you have decent life but if you're on my shoes, I'm pretty sure that you'll do the same.
It's so sad on my/our side (my classmates are sad too as because of this they don't have any source of income) because I've worked hard so much with these busted accounts specially in my main account (Polar91) as I've made a lot of translations with this account (some are to earn profit and some are just to help my countrymen). I've also strived to reach this rank because as merit applied in 2018, I'm just a senior member thus I need to make efforts to reach my desired rank and I made it. However it was all gone now as my reputation has been destroyed already. I've made useful and helpful translations with this account. Some of my alts have translations too which are helpful also. You may check them all because I'm not lying. I wanted to link them all but it doesn't matter anyway as it won't change your mind that what I did was so unfair and unjust. I know myself that I disobeyed forum rules and trust me I didn't intend to do that. I know myself that I'm not the only one. Half of members in this forum have atleast two or more accounts, I guess.
Anyway, I would like to thank people who reported me (@Bitcoin_Arena, @cheater detector). I merited Bitcoin_Arena for your good work. Keep it up. You both are good in destroying someone's life and I hope that good things happen to you.
Another thing, since my busted accounts are not useful to me anymore and they have smerits currently, I'm giving away my smerits. I think it's better to give them away to my fellow countrymen. I'll just create a thread and ask them to post their quality post. I'll do this to compensate for everything.
That's all, thank you!
Ich persönlich kann mir wohl vorstellen, dass die Geschichte so in etwa abgelaufen ist. Nichtsdestotrotz wurden hier eindeutig Regeln gebrochen und ich empfinde ehrlich gesagt wenig Mitleid für die weinerliche Geschichte, die er uns hier auftischt. Man muss sich nur einmal fragen wie viele gute (ehrliche) Poster aufgrund dieser ganzen Scam/Shitposter nicht in Kampagnen aufgenommen wurden. Ich hoffe die restlichen Accounts von dem Typen werden früher oder später auch noch entdeckt! Oder wie seht ihr das?