Six months and more is not really a long-term hodling. Long-term holding means at least 2-3 years. In the past, it has also been shown that this is the time period with which one has virtually never made a loss with the vast majority of projects. Even if you bought coins at the peak in December 2017 and then had a price loss of over 90% with many projects, you would have a big profit, had you held until today.
That's very true. @LemonMaker if you are planning on to hold for long term then you must at least consider holding it for more than 3 years.
I have personally set my definition for long term as more than 5 years. The coins I have hold for long terms will stay in there for more than 5 years at the least.
The rest I might use them for short term swing trading or trading based on the trend.
If would consider ETH, SOL and BTC to be my long term bets.
BNB, SOL, DOT, MATIC and KSM would be my short term bets.