any choice in every bodies’ life is actually a gambling…
choose a wise husband from a bunch of boys is a gambling
choose a school to study is a gambling
choose a boss to work with is a gambling
so, gambling is addictive…
no one can escape...
The addiction to gambling is very dangerous for people and their family. In my country, a lot of families have broken up because the husband or wife wallow in sensual pleasures of the gambling. "Gambling leads to misery" is the best sentences to describe the negative impact of this game on their family.
It happens when someone takes gambling as a way to earn money! Gambling is certainly not a way to earn money for living! It is a method of entertainment! When I visited Macau back in 2017, I gambled a lot during my stay just to entertain myself and I didn't take it as a source of income to fund my visit! So if you are using a method for what it is not meant for, it will lead to misery for sure!
Kind of true! That's a psychological quotient that leads to even bigger issues! It's like taking out a loan at higher interest rate to close a previous loan, which doesn't make any sense! If I loss a significant amount of money in stock market, I would try to recover that losses through traditional investment because that is more secure! It may take time but at the end of the day, I will be getting my losses back! That's what makes more sense!