Thinking of getting skill that will give you a better pay is what you need to think for yourself because you know what interest you most and only you can tell the nature of your kind skill you want, if should be a skill of hard work or less stressful. But writing is a good skill too one can think of . Their are also good skills that pays well and the world can't do without it, like computer programming, to me is a good skill one can learn and add to his/her profession.
It's true that only we ourselves are able to understand our interests and expertise, so try to ask ourselves what we are interested in. After that
study well what we are interested in until we really master it, if we master something we are interested in well, then this will open up opportunities
for us to get a job. So we can't generalize everyone to learn the same skills, it will not be effective and only make us become stressed.
For example, computer programming skills are needed by many companies, but not everyone likes it. So if we don't like it and insist on studying it,
I'm sure it will be difficult to understand and the results are also not good. Then learn the skills according to our respective interests, because it is
more effective in finding work.