All kidding aside I would try to find the sender and if I could not find them I would invest it.
Hahah, did you invest in him? That story was incredible, wasn't it? I mean it was money he raised from freaking investors, for crying out loud!!! It's one thing to gamble away your own money, but the money from people who trusted you with their money.... Never!
No, I stayed far away from that. That was a train wreck that anyone that spent time at Just Dice could see coming. It was entertaining to watch for sure.
yeah, a guy that handles money so badly (gambling ect) that he gets homeless wants to run a company. What could go wrong.
Wow, so did he really went homeless after this? The last thing I know was that he indeed tried to pay back investors (which is futile) but still hangs around in his favourite bar, where he tried to get the waitress to strip for his company. Did he really lose his apartment?