Recwnt research from top scientists confirm that plants have emotions and pain and express them via chemical reactions.
Plants breathe oxygen just like animals
Plants have intelligence though v different and primitive via chemical reactions. Plants also evolve with time. Plants have ability to adapt to environment via their chemical reactions. Vegans will refuse to believe this because the truth hurts.
The only thing you can eat without killing is a rock
Circle of life and evolution means kill or be killed, survival of the fittest, Be it mammals insects or plants.
If early humans were tree hugging grass eaters they would have been eliminated a long time ago by evolutionary factors.
Vegans have nothing to defend, only Peta websites or grass eater websites with fake self righteous research that has no scientific approval. Veganism is also a dying fad, Notice how their section in supermarkets is shrinking year by year. A lot of vegan outlets have also shutdown, because vegans are going back to their natural state of eating plants and animals
The intelligence debate is also invalid, because the world's most intelligent people and high IQ have all been omnivores.
The earth provides water animals insects and plants we all eat and sustain from all of these. If you think killing a plant is less cruel than killing an animal then you are a typical vegan hypocrite
I like how 3 reputable sources all say Vegans / Vegetarians have higher IQ.
I also like that even though we are a small population, people like Einstein (theory of relativity) and Isaac Newton (Physics and Calculus) were vegan / vegetarian.
So like I said link me some studies, I am interested in reading them because I am open to analyze all information.
Google plants feel pain research or similar words tons of articles and research as recent as 2014 prove it and destroys veganism and vegans forever. But PETA and vegan movements will deny because if the truth comes out they are finished.
Due to this recent discoveries of plants feeling pain there are new movements and lifestyles starting and forming that eliminate harming plants and only base their diet on eating dead plants, dairy, dead animals etc
If u really believe ur set of morals you've created for urself you will have to follow that route and not a delusional I saved the planet vegan route (grass eating plant murderer)