But I would still have a debt, for infinity. I do not want to be cleaning windows/rely on a loan my entire life. Paying a loan with another one only makes the other loan a bigger one, original plus interest. And so the debt grows and grows, because I do not have to pay the interest immediatly, there could be more interest paid than there is
BTC available.
If all
BTC is given as a loan, with a 5% interest, you have to pay back 105% of the available bitcoin, how would you go about that? And interest on loans work on a per month basis, so 5% per month.. that adds up each month, let's say that 50% of all
BTC is in a loan, for 5% after a whole year it will be 62% on interest alone to be paid. No matter how simple you example may be, you cannot expect this to work if the numbers do not work out.
supplying, buying and selling debt is the biggest business on the planet!
I know that debt is the biggest business, it is the basis of the world economy to collapse,
It was the the splitting up and repackiging debts and selling them again, splitting them up, selling, splitting, selling, split sell, that boosted the bubble and made it explode with a bang.
Access to resources and hogging them for big money is what made the economy. It does take investing to get infrastructure, but it does not mean the loan system is not flawed. Privatising things like telecommunication, water and infrastructure has made it into a business, with the main goal optimising the profits, not the product quality. Nestle is even trying to get water off of the list of primary neccesaties to boost their sales of bottled water. But that is a whole different discussion.