Probably. Well to be fair we don't have the same system, USA can hardly apply a rule over the whole country as it's divided into states with some power whereas in France you can set and apply a law everywhere in a few months at most.
But again I was not talking about anything else but my opinion on the subject. big deal...
Meh, as far as I know all I ever said is "gun control is better" and I maintain my position, gun control is really better.
But I'm not going to impose it in the USA, I don't how I could even do that xD
And after all, you're free to kill yourself, I've got no problem with that, I'll just not go live in the USA that's all ^^
But you'd want to check the crime stats, because some of them are really not safe. Here, it seems like the big cities that the liberals have ran for ages, Chicago, Detroit, guns are illegal but ALL the criminals have guns, resulting in sort of a chaos in which ordinary citizens are the victims. Clearly, other parts of the world are different.
It's easy also to find places where virtually every one has firearms, where few even bother to lock their doors and it's really quite safe. Many variations, including between parts of a city or area.
It may interest you, the first firearm I bought was after a nasty encounter with a rabid animal. Wound up killing it with a shovel. Really messy, crude and brutal. Not wanting to ever deal with something like that again, I went and got a 22 rifle. If the powers that be had banned guns, well, whatever...
We are the powers that be. As long as we don't recognize that, we have delegated authority. But we don't have to.
I a government thief feels it is his duty to steal my property, he will wind up in common law court, where he will need to pay me so much if he doesn't return my property, that I can by the stuff that it takes to make myself a new and better gun.