Great vid! Thanks for the link.
IMHO, even though it is quite important for a gun owner to know how to physically operate a gun, it is even more important to know what follows. This guy did a great no-nonsense job on that topic.
Considering all of the idiocy that people are exposed to in the media I am actually quite surprised at the relatively low levels of irresponsible gun ownership among law abiding citizens. In fact even the criminal class seems surprisingly 'responsible' in their use of guns. That I ascribe to the sharp knives of the justice system when guns are involved in a crime, and this was exactly the goal of the current regime when it was formulated as policy. As far as I'm concerned, gun ownership here in the U.S. is really working remarkably well thanks to common sense and scientifically sound policy developed over the last 3 or 4 decades.
At this point, I am fairly confident to say that the anti-gun people with any sort of power (and I specifically exclude the propagandized ankle-biter zombie masses here) are upset about guns for the exact reason that those who formulated the 2nd amendment were envisioning. That is, as a tool of last resort against tyranny. A thinking person must ask themselves, 'what, in the future, could be so threatening that people would in any sort of numbers exercise the 'right to bear arms'?' I can think of a few possibilities, and in all of these cases I would prefer to have the 2nd amendment option than to not. That's just me, though, and I'm a relative oldster who missed some of the later curriculum taught in schools and don't watch much TV.
Not only do I agree with the bolded above, but I imagine most of those in law enforcement would agree. Yes we have a modern problem, that mostly did not exist in the past, with the five minutes of fame atrocity killers, but they are a needle in the haystack of gun owners.
Nothing, and in particular no system designed of rules, regulation and law, is perfect, and that includes firearms law and regulation.
You do indeed wonder, as the Left incessantly hammers the gun control issue, whether the real goal is indeed something else entirely. Whether the goal may just be to eliminate the "tool of last resort against tyranny," even if those on the Left who do this may not even know what they do or why.