22LR rifles are allowed for trainings and hunting, but in order to be a hunter, you have to have lots of money and passion for drinking after every hunt. About .22 pistols - honestly, I have no idea.
That's news to me. I hunt because I and my friends and family like the meat which is not infused with whatever they are putting into factory-farmed animals and I can help the Fish and Wildlife people achieve the ecological balance that they would like for the herds in the area. I have enough land to get elk tags automatically though.
22 ain't gonna work for that, unless you want to go tracking.
Get one of those .22 drum fed automatics that shoots over 2000 rounds a minute. You can carve a lot of things up with it.
That would still most likely just piss off an elk and make it uncomfortable with a bunch of small lead lumps under it's hide. I've got a 300 win mag for these animals. If I need to take them from my newly prepared area I could probably do so with a 12 ga slug due to the topography, but I would like to make this be an area where they feel safe and comfortable. I checked yesterday and there is cropped grass and elk droppings so it is working. This winter I'll prepare some more area as pasture for this purpose. I hope to fill both of my tags from the ridge in a different part of my property, and do the shooting from the valley floor. That's what the win mag is good for.
Oh, regarding the 2000 rpm suggestion. Nope, you'd get exactly one shot at that elk. See, that little sting makes him move.