Basic backround checks, allow people to carry weapons openly and concealed.
I'm from a fiercely pro-2nd area and I've almost never seen anyone open carry. It makes one look like a jackass and that has been the case for at least as long as I've been around. I do 'open carry' on my own property from time to time. Only when I need to go check the driveway to see why the alarm went off in the middle of the night, or at certain times of the year when there are a lot of bears around.
I hate to say it, but basic background checks make reasonable sense. As far as I can tell they are already in place...I have to have one run every time I buy a firearm. It doesn't break my heart if ex-cons (violent ones) cannot legally get a gun, but the flip side is that potential for abuse is a clear danger.
I'm highly negative about 'mental health assessments' for anything, and especially not for gun ownership. The main reason is that one can hardly find a more fucked up and nutzo group of 'professional' than those in the mental health profession and they are the last people I'd call on to assess mental health of others. I will bet that within a matter of a few years I would be considered some sort of a 'threat' simply on the basis of my calling bullshit on the various fairly obvious psy-ops that the government is undertaking. e.g., the Sandy Hook hoax and in terms of 'active shooter' events, pretty much most of the rest since that time.
I would like to see some little thing such as the 'gunshow loophole' (if it even exists) tied up, but a poison pill inserted. Specifically, something like any time more than 1% of the gun owner's list is rendered for the purposes of gun confiscation, the entire law and every other law which touches on the 2nd becomes null and void and the gun ownership list must be destroyed.