This 'shooter' used fake ID's from time to time and had a bunch of wigs. He also changed his licence plate. Clearly we also need better bio-metric ID and tracking in cars (and, as always, more gun control and mental health surveillance.)
Are you being serious?
Yes, in a way. For whatever reason, independent researchers took a strong interest in the Sandy Hook incident and did a lot of good work on it. Of course a lot of people (some probably shills and some probably not) did a lot of lower quality work. By the two year mark some very convincing material has been produced which leaves very little doubt that what Sandy Hook was was a FEMA 'capstone' drill passed off as a live event.
I suggest as the most important of these, 'We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook' as the most important of these. Sofia Smallstorm's presentation or Klein's
'redux' of it is also very good.
Being fairly convinced that Sandy Hook was a psychological operation (legal to execute against domestic populations via the 2012 national defense authorization act which effectively repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt act) I look with interest at each of these events. The main thrust of each is to mute the effect of the 2nd amendment, but each also seems to have a few secondary components thrown in. In the case of Sandy Hook it seemed to involve mental health and pharmaceutics. In this case, after a skim of how the story was portrayed, I identified the aformentioned items.
I agree something was off with Sandy Hook.
This video shows this poor child wanting to get away, not talk, etc, but you can see the father puts his arms around her to keep her still, and her mother grabs her husband's arm to force it down upon the child on live tv. It's creepy.
However, to say we need to use biometrics (that still won't stop the people who have illegal guns already and in the future) and "mental health surveillance", is totalitarian and is going to be abused, no doubt about it. Mental health surveillance?
This video shows that they want to go after the people "most likely to be radicalized", young people who are alienated, don't get a job, lost their girlfriend, family doesn't feel happy here. Who's deciding what the right mental health
is? Some people believe Christians to not be in the right mental state because they believe homosexuality is a sin. What if they are now gone after because they don't have the "right mental health"?