It was a mall which gets around 10k visitors per day (in my minimal research and familiarity with reality.) You don't think that everyone who visits a mall in a day group themselves into a human-ball of 10k souls do you?
Why does the article you link say this then:
Between 8,000 and 10,000 people were inside the mall at the time.
Big shopping malls in germany and everywhere else look like a human meat ball.
I guess the USA is the only exception.
You might want to take some more alex jones super brain pills. You need that for sure.
Btw. The only moment you cant hit anything in between 10 k people is if you have no fingers to pull the trigger.
In germany pretty much everyone knows how to use a weapon because not long ago it was mandatory to join the army at 18.
Malls in this country consist of hallways with shops off of them. They don't appear as a stadium. The halls are also often filled with things which can be used as cover such as furniture, signs, booths, etc. Also there are a lot of them and they are often severely underutilized and look like ghost ships a lot of the time even during business hours.
Next, there is the apparently little known phenomenon that even the mythical AR-15 does actually require re-loading. It doesn't spray smart-lead infinitely without ammunition management as in the movies. The user in this case seems to have fumbled with magazines.
Looks like as the kid was dicking around with ammo when he noticed that a CCW had drawn down on him. One can presume that he intended to commit suicide from the get-go, and had no interest in being winged by Joe Citizen CCW and taken alive by the cops. So he completed his 'killing spree' with a count of two down and switched focus to killing himself.
Well, looks like this one was probably a psy-op as well. I never really looked into it, but it's the same pattern of non-people and/or politically connected and/or actors who came back from the dead. was one of the earlier stage renditions. Perhaps the CCW meeting was an unhappy chance and the drill was terminated early. Most of these things are staged in 'gun free zones' probably mostly to avoid chance encounters. Roseburg years later was another instance where most of the 'victims' researched turned out to be un-people. The Sheriff who was notably pro-2nd said as clearly as he was able that there would be a lot of fed money pouring into the community because of the 'event'. Lots of the Roseburg witnesses were associated with one of those creepy and recently set up new-age churches.