OMG this thread is so hilarious
As I girl I can say guys, though we are few here, we are still here and also making money on crypto. So please still keep at least a tiny bit of respect
We are also S&S which stands for Smart and Sexy
Was also wondering has anyone already created a dating topic in off-topic thread. Might be that crypto S&S girls could just charm you
You know I agree but I don't think all of these men would be well suited for dating. I mean if you look at some of the youtube videos of MGTOW and pretty much any dating site MEN COMPLAIN that women ignore their one liner messages, don't want to date them or being decent doesn't as a platonic friend doesn't give them access to a woman's body.
Even if there were more women on here I don't think "crypto" necessarily makes one compatible with another. I've read threads on here over the years about "women" and it tends to take on a very reductive bent of "women are just good for one thing". So how exactly would someone that minimizes women to just one element ever be able to attract women they appear to loathe in one respect or another? I mean we're not even getting into what these men even look like so they could most surely be invisible to the women they find most appealing. It would be logical to reject women that don't even know they exist right?
Sure in some countries certain men are kept in shape but in others? If you're spending 90% of your day sitting behind a computer and just EATING with minimal movement, you're likely to not be placed on the heartthrob list. What does that create? More porn watching? Drooling over the latest AI infused sex bot? I mean the more disconnected people are from reality the less likely they're able to interact effectively with REAL PEOPLE. Fantasy is fun but if you're only dealing with "women in fantasy elements that you control" then your view of them will be so off that a connection is likely to be quite difficult without a "COMMAND PROMPT".
The other issue is that at least in my country 40% of men 18-35 are living with their own parents usually a single mother. That's typically not a desirable setting for women that are out on their own, working and paying for their own place at an early adult age. In certain cultures this is a norm but in others it's viewed as "not adult enough" especially if the woman in question has been able to successfully survive on her own in a male dominated society.
So surely I enjoyed commenting in this thread because many that view women this way also have to contend with their own mothers being viewed like this by other men. How does that pan out right? Every woman is someone's sister, mother, daughter, wife, girlfriend, teacher, student, cousin, friend etc.
One thing is for sure women can't be blamed for BITCOIN DROPPING IN HALF. Perhaps if we do a campaign to tell all women to dump their BTC to you know buy "make up" and "clothing" lol it will still stick around the $10,000 mark right? Or maybe if we dump we could see BTC DROP BY HALF? LOL
I'm kidding:)
I find it interesting women make up half the population but so many men seem to not want women to adopt it. It's like they're shooting themselves in their own foot because crypto currency adopted by women makes them buy you know that make up and clothes, shoes and all of that stuff that we spend money on with oh what's it called? Ohh right BTC. Personally I feel another crypto may take the place of BTC because of the transaction times and fees associated because no wants to spend $20-$50 to send a payment.
Personally I started in the banking industry and later got into tech. I had to change things up during the recession for a bit to survive that horrible time and the subsequent aftershocks of that time. It seemed logical that my focus would be in something that combines tech/crypto and banking/currency so cryptocurrency is and has been an incredible draw for me.