Indeed I figure more ladies should partake in bitcoin in light of the fact that it is imperative for the advancement of our economy, at this age one way acquiring isn't sufficient to run family well, on the opposite side if ladies will work signature battle it will be solid for them to profit without leaving home, there are a huge number of chances for them also, a ladies mind is 45% more keen than man so in the event that they will focus on bitcoin to gain cash they can bolster their accomplice to run their family well.
None of what you said makes any sense, and none of it applies to women in general.
Women simply don't tend to be interested in technical fields as often as men, it might be biology, where they are better suited for caring and supporting, or it might be simply due to the way their brain works. Men and women are different, they have different interests and skills, women just aren't interested in this field. Similarly, you wil rarely find a man who is interested in childcare.