I am an atheists and i really believe at least the catholic church should be banned and declared a criminal organisation.
They control their followers with threats such as if you don't follow gods will you will be punished for all eternity and burn in hell, out of fear you have poor people that can't really afford it donating money they can't spare to the church and old people leaving their houses and all possessions to the church hoping that it may help them get into heaven, it's nothing but a big scam that has gone on for too many years and needs be stopped.
We have a law here that says if a member of a bikie gang has been convicted of a crime he can no longer hang out with his "group" or will face 3 years in jail.
Why does this law not also apply to pedo priests who have been convicted of disgusting crimes, most of them can still hang out with their pedo priests mates and still attend their gang meetings (church mass).
In short i hate religion because society has allowed them to live by a different set of laws than the rest of us for too long now, if ever convicted of a crime their mates in the priests hood always covers their legal costs and hide them away to protect the churches name, they don't give a fuck about the victims they only care about themselves.
Here is where you are missing it. Government and all organizations that are large enough, and a whole lot of individuals, do bad things and never get caught. Forget that part.
The people who donate to the Church believe they are donating to God. God sees this, and will reward them appropriately in the afterlife. The bad people who do not repent and start to do good, will receive destruction in the afterlife.
This life is only for, maybe, a hundred years. The afterlife is for eternity. Get with God so that you have good in the afterlife. This life won't even be remembered or brought to mind in the afterlife times.
Afterlife, lol.
I can't argue religious crap, my time is more important to me.
The scam of God was created when people believed the world was still flat, they did not know about earthquakes so they thought that must be god mad at them.
Lighting we understand now but back in the old times it would have been scary and easy to convince people that god was not happy, by the way has god ever shown that he is happy with all the money these poor sobs donate to built churches?
Ah enough about this crap, i have been down this road many of times and you just cant talk a brainwashed god fanatic that they are being lead instead of living their own lives.