Jesus is the only way for salvation.
We know that Jesus is the Savior.
Jesus said that all you have to do is love God and love your neighbor:
"There is none other commandment greater than these", "this do, and thou shalt live."
He did not give any commandments that said "I am your personal savior", or anything like that, so do not even bother with that for it is not of God.
Jesus said
you will live if you follow his New Commandment.
You dare to contradict him?Thank you for finally agreeing with the Bible. Now show me the person who does the two great laws.
You can't. There isn't one... except Jesus. Jesus is the only righteous One. He is the only One Who obeyed those laws perfectly. Jesus is the only One Who did what the Father asked. Nobody else. Only Jesus.
How many people will be saved by obeying the two laws? Only One. Only Jesus. Why? Because He is the only One Who will have ever obeyed those two laws perfectly. And the thing that God requires is perfection.
So, how will anybody else be saved? There is only one way that anybody else will be saved. They won't be saved by obeying, because they didn't and won't obey perfectly like the Father requires. They will only be saved if Jesus asks the Father to let them be saved.
Why will they be saved if Jesus asks God to let them be saved? Because Jesus perfectly obeyed the laws, and that gives Him the right to ask for anything. The Father will listen to Jesus when Jesus asks, because Jesus is the only One Who has the right to ask, because Jesus is righteous and nobody else is.
So, who will Jesus ask the Father to save? Isn't it all the people who believe that Jesus is the Savior? No man/woman gets to the Father any other way than through Jesus. Jesus said, "No man comes to the Father but by Me."
Do you want to be saved? You better plead with Jesus Christ to let you be saved. Why? Because Jesus is the only One Who is worthy to ask the Father to let you be saved. You can't and won't obey the two laws perfectly. Only Jesus did and can do that. Only Jesus is acceptable by the Father... only Jesus and anyone that Jesus asks the Father on behalf of.
Will Jesus ask the Father on your behalf? He might. But you better plead with Him to do so. Because if you die today, and you haven't gotten Jesus's approval before the Father, Jesus just might not approve of you before the Father. So get down on your hands and knees and beg Jesus to ask the Father to let you in.
If you do this sincerely - beg Jesus to ask the Father to let you in - Jesus WILL do it. But don't turn away from Jesus any longer. Because if you reject Jesus after you accepted Him, there is no going back.