Come now. Just because I haven't sat down and explained clearly why the 3 laws prove God exists, doesn't mean that they don't prove such. I have explained in other posts clearly enough that one can explain it to himself if he wants. I would rather you use your ability to think than lay it out completely for you.
The first great doctrine of atheism is that God (supreme being) does not exist. The second is that atheism is not a religion. Following that are many of the scientific theories that are held by atheists as laws of nature. Because these are held as truths, they are doctrines to the holder.
For example. There is a sect of atheism that holds that the Big Bang is law, when in reality it is theory (not fact), and probably could never be proven at all even if it HAD HAPPENED.
The reason atheists need something like the Big Bang is (even though they are mostly ignorant of it because they hide it from themselves), atheists, like everyone else, don't know for a fact anything about their future. Because of this, they build up all kinds of limited and temporary fantasies in their mind about what they think will happen. Their fantasies are their doctrines, just as formally religious people have doctrines, while all the while each individual's doctrine is slightly (or greatly) different from the individual doctrine of anyone else.
It all has to do with the weakness that we all have when trying to predict the future. We think that we would have security if we had control. The atheists try to gain control by making themselves the authority (supreme being) and then try to go about eliminating the supreme being (themselves) in their minds by upholding atheism.
Atheism is the most pathetic religion around. It doesn't even deserve to be a religion. But, by its attributes, definitely is one.
YOU MAKE YOUR OWN LAW TO THE BIBLE...DUMB if there is a hell your going there
for not doing gods teachings
because you know nothing about the bible
very good stories but that is all they are nothing else A BOOK ..and no wisdom comes from the bible just common sense thou should not kill...NO SHIT