Are they street performers? Or just some Atheists making fun of Christians?
I don't see the money tray so I'm guessing they are not Catholic :-)
I see that some people really do not have anything sacred, so they are so meanly ridicule all that is connected with Jesus and religion in general.
Nothing is sacred because there is no reason to believe in the supernatural. God only exists in people's minds.
And don't tell me God exists because Bible says so. Bible says a lot of things that are not true because people who wrote it did not know any better.
Slavery? Really, God who supports slavery but explicitly tells you not to wear wool and linen clothes together? Where is logic in that?
People were just writing what they knew at that time and said God told them.
Flat Earth, with a dome over it, 6000-year-old Earth, the flood that did not happen, the universe created in 6 days etc.
Not to mention the creation of man from dirt and woman from a rib bone. The whole story of the few-thousand-year-old incest is ridiculous.
Never mind the talking snake, walking on water, turning water into wine, casting demons out, and the big mother lode of them all, resurrection.
You've got to be kidding me. People who follow this completely suspend their logic and critical thinking.
So, you want to talk religion, eh? The idea that God only exists in people's minds is religion. Why? Because neither you nor anyone else knows that God doesn't exist elsewhere, as well. It might be your guess, but you have a lot of unexplored earth and universe to go through to be sure.
Since it is your statement that God doesn't exist, rather than that He might exist, you have a religion/cult going for yourself. And that's the point of this thread. The proof that you as an atheist hate religion, is that you won't admit that atheism is the religion that it is.
If you want to start a thread entitled something like, "The Religion of Atheism vs. the Religion of Christianity," have at it. But rather than do that, you would attempt to distract from the point that you hate that atheism is a religion, by focusing on other religions, and particularly Christianity.
However, I can understand why you hate atheism. Atheism is like a beautiful, wonderful obedient wife for you. You are hooked, and you love her possibilities. But you hate religion because you know atheism is a religious cult.