(ignorance clipped for your protection)
Fact: Atheists do not have any specific beliefs or dogma
This is quite evident from the mush that they spout.
Not all Atheists believe in evolution or the big bang... It is not required to be an Atheist...
But many atheists DO believe in these things. So, what?
The only requirement to be an Atheist is the lack of belief in any specific god...
Since there is lots of evidence that can be interpreted in ways that show that there at least might be a God...
And since I have shown the scientific proof that God exists...
And since no atheist knows for a fact that God does not exist...
The atheist is setting himself up as god just by attempting to believe that God does not exist. Thus, atheism is self-contradictory, and therefor a lie.
If you do not believe the bible provides enough evidence that the Christian God exists, you are an Atheist with respect to Christianity
The bible is eye-witness reports about things that could only exist if God exists.
If you feel the Koran does not provide solid evidence for Allah, then you are an Atheist with respect to Islam/Allah
The Koran is great evidence for allah. It proves itself a liar by being such evidence.
But, none of this requires anyone to believe in evolution or the big bang... Atheist tend to believe these theories because they are supported by massive amounts of credible evidence, confirmation via multiple branches of study (archeology, genetics, physics, etc), decades of experimentation and peer review, etc
Until you look at contradictory evidence. Then evolution and big bang crash out of even being theory.