Stupid. Islam doesn't tell to kill infidels just because they are infidels and also Muslims in early started fighting war when they were being slaughtered.
Generally speaking, stupid or not stupid, the world would be a much better place without and your ideology are creating too many problems for the rest of us, the rest of us being the vast majority ( aka 75% of the entire world population) ...And it's not just ISIS that is creating problems...Al Nusra front in Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria, al-Qaeda (everywhere), Talibans (Pakistan and Afghanistan) etc etc
why there are aren't any Christian terrorist groups ? or Buddhist terrorist groups ? Christianity is just as a big lie as Islam but at least we got over the Dark are stuck in the Dark ages for 1600+ years...The only stone throwing contest should be towards a lake, if you catch my drift...
Sooner or later once you will get a nuke (because no matter how retarded your cave men are, you will get/buy it eventually in 10-20 years max) you will eventually do something really stupid and blow up a western city...or parts from it...I can see this coming...When you will achieve that genocide , that will be the end of Islam in Western and developed Asian countries...You are building your own coffins with ISIS and other terrorist groups, once you will pull off the "big scheme" and kill 10000+ people in a Western city (because that's what ISIS is dreaming of and I honestly think that they will live their dream) no human rights organization will ever take your side regardless of what they will do to you afterwards....something really bad is going to happen to you, someday....What goes around, comes around....
If you looked at these groups, you can see all of them have political motives and they just hide it under the name 'Islam'. They obviously contradicts Islam.
What do you mean ? Is Saudi Arabia a terrorist organization ? Yet they behead and stone people to death for minor offenses (adultery etc) just like ISIS
ISIS is only "bad" in the media because it is anti-US geo-political interests, the cruel reality is that all the big Sunni countries (except for Turkey who should consider Ataturk their new Mohamed for disabling Sharia courts and giving them a real chance in the new non-religious world) are enforcing the same ISIS punishments
look here
The death penalty can be imposed for a wide range of offences[4] including murder, rape, false prophecy, blasphemy, armed robbery, repeated drug use, apostasy,[5] adultery,[6] witchcraft and sorcery[7] and can be carried out by beheading with a sword,[8] or more rarely by firing squad, and sometimes by stoning.
Saudi Arabia is just as bad as ISIS in terms of "cave men ideology" , yet they have a huge army and the US considers them their best ally in the region. The whole ISLAM is doomed, not just ISIS and the other groups I mentioned...Saudi Arabia will soon (10-20 years from now) try to expand their territory and ideology and when that happens, boom : we have a WW3
Saudi Arabia spends a whooping 10% of their GDP for military expenses, that's the largest percentage by far from all the rest of the countries, and their GDP is a huge one as well...
what do you think Saudi Arabia will do with all that army in 20 years from now ? They are hard-core Muslims in ideology, they will have a big army and they and their Sunni allies are many (85% of all Muslims are Sunni)....