Now you're just being an apologist and you are also ignoring the commonly accepted fact in Islam that he married Aisha when she was 6 years old and had sex with her at 9.
That it has to be said he waited until she was 9 years old before he 'consummated' the marriage, as though that somehow makes it any less repugnant, is still a tacit acknowledgement that he is a child rapist.
An adult having sex with a child is raping them because a child is incapable of informed consent, even if a child has been conditioned to believe that it is something they want to happen it is still an adult abusing their position of trust to care for and nurture a child in order to satisfy their own selfish and grotesque sexual urges.
Child rape is about power and control and no sexual act by an adult to a child can be described as anything else other than a gross abuse of the significant power the adult has over a child.
Stop trying to down-play the reality that your religion celebrates a middle-aged man who had sex with a little girl who was 9 years old.
Stop trying to down-play the reality that your religion celebrates a middle-aged man who had sex with a little girl who was 9 years old.
There, I have written it twice so you know not to simply ignore what I am saying to you. A hand-wavy, "yeah, well, she was probably at least 11 or 12 so, you know, totallyokbecausehewastheultimateprophetright?
You are missing two points
- Sex is not rape if it both is willing to do.
- A human is a child when he/she is under the age puberty. Once a female child is mature, she can give birth to a child. I understand you are talking in general but it is not a fact.
9 years old... The age of willing to do...
Best understood in Arabic?
I wonder...