Now you're just being an apologist and you are also ignoring the commonly accepted fact in Islam that he married Aisha when she was 6 years old and had sex with her at 9.
That it has to be said he waited until she was 9 years old before he 'consummated' the marriage, as though that somehow makes it any less repugnant, is still a tacit acknowledgement that he is a child rapist.
An adult having sex with a child is raping them because a child is incapable of informed consent, even if a child has been conditioned to believe that it is something they want to happen it is still an adult abusing their position of trust to care for and nurture a child in order to satisfy their own selfish and grotesque sexual urges.
Child rape is about power and control and no sexual act by an adult to a child can be described as anything else other than a gross abuse of the significant power the adult has over a child.
Stop trying to down-play the reality that your religion celebrates a middle-aged man who had sex with a little girl who was 9 years old.
Stop trying to down-play the reality that your religion celebrates a middle-aged man who had sex with a little girl who was 9 years old.
There, I have written it twice so you know not to simply ignore what I am saying to you. A hand-wavy, "yeah, well, she was probably at least 11 or 12 so, you know, totallyokbecausehewastheultimateprophetright?
You are missing two points
- Sex is not rape if it both is willing to do.
- A human is a child when he/she is under the age puberty. Once a female child is mature, she can give birth to a child. I understand you are talking in general but it is not a fact.
You are missing one point here: You cannot consent to sex if you do not have the mental capacity to do so, and if you cannot consent, it is rape. It seems the only people who believe that a 12 year old (and I'm using the highest age range to give you the maximum benefit of the doubt) can consent are Muslims. It has nothing to do with physical characteristics, so puberty is irrelevant. Knowing what we know now about cognitive development, nobody today can make a credible case that a 12 year old has the mental capacity to consent to sex. You cannot defend this, the more you try the more Islam looks like a backwards religion. You're unwilling to admit that 1500 years ago, your prophet did things that are unacceptable today. You're stuck trying to justify it, and you're only point (that she reached puberty) is irrelevant. The longer Islam tries to justify child rape, the longer it will be rightly viewed as being stuck in the dark ages.
I would clarify, attitudes toward children have changed over the millennia. Just one example, consider ancient Greeks and young boys and sex. But we're not going to go and defend ancient wrong ideas today. That's just plain stupid.