when someone with a muslim name does the MASS KILLING of 12 people they are terrorist.
I have to live in this world that the ones who practice these things visit upon myself and others who think like me.
I wish very much it wasn't this way,but it will remain this way until those fundamental concepts change and the Human race actually evolves to a more enlightend state of being.
Here is a portrait of an Islamic hater.
and another...
I wonder if there is something about the Koran and it's teachings that affects different people differently. Most everybody eats peanuts, but some people are severely allergic. They eat peanuts, then get very sick and if not rushed to the hospital die. Maybe a few simply convert to Islam, read the Koran and become violent.
Obviously the whole issue of Islamic violent minority is multifactorial, though.
This is an interesting thought. Perhaps complex combinations of certain sounds could do the same thing. Like somebody reading the Quran out loud.
Saying something was a testable hypothesis and or doing such examination is a different world view than that of the naive, faithful followers of one or another religion. It's also quite different than the "us versus them" tribal behavior that underlies a lot of human behavior.