
Topic: Why do islam hates people? - page 186. (Read 437390 times)

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
February 19, 2015, 01:04:34 PM
~ MadnessIf I got scammed by a Bitcointalk user , does it make all users here bad and scammers ? If Bitcoin is used by Terrorists and for buying weapons , drugs etc ... Does that make it bad in general ? Of course not .
Bottom line is those people who kill have nothing to do with Islam and they are simply extremists so we can't just blame the whole religion.
After charlie hebdo accident , 3 students got killed in USA because they are muslims , did anyone said anything about it or called the killer "Terrorist" or racist or whatever ? Of course not . but when it cames to Islam , people should start their bullshit and insult it .

~ Madness

Actually yes I can blame the entire religion, because across the board, Islamic clerics are not issuing FATWAs on the perps behind these actions.  They are submissive and silent in almost all cases.

Latest contributions to Peace from the religion of Peace.

2015.02.18    Iraq    Samarrah    6    16    Six Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.02.18    Iraq    Mosul    1    0    An elderly man is tied up and stoned to death after being accused of adultery.
2015.02.18    Pakistan    Islamabad    3    2    A suicide bomber detonates outside a Shiite mosque, killing three bystanders.
2015.02.17    Nigeria    Yamarkumi    36    20    Children are heavily represented in the three dozen innocents blown to bits by suicide bombers.
2015.02.17    Afghanistan    Kabul    4    0    A bomb blast takes out all four members of a family.
2015.02.17    Nigeria    Potiskum    4    11    A Shahid suicide bomber blows himself up in a restaurant, killing the manager, a waiter and two customers.
2015.02.17    Afghanistan    Logar    22    8    Two dozen local recruits are massacred by a suicide bomber at a dining hall.
2015.02.17    Pakistan    Lahore    8    23    At least eight people are killed when a suicide bomber detonates outside a hotel.
2015.02.17    Tunisia    Kasserine    4    0    al-Qaeda militants open fire on a police checkpoint, killing four officers.
2015.02.16    Iraq    Mansouriya    1    3    An electrical worker is dismantled by a roadside bomb.
2015.02.16    Cameroon    Waza    4    10    Islamists slay four local soldiers.
2015.02.16    Afghanistan    Kandahar    13    0    Thirteen local cops lose their lives to an ambush by armed Taliban fundamentalists.
2015.02.16    Syria    Aleppo    9    20    Four children are among nine killed when Sunnis fire into a Shia-held neighborhood.
2015.02.16    Somalia    Mogadishu    4    0    Four airport workers are machine-gunned at point-blank range by al-Shabaab.
2015.02.15    Egypt    Sheikh Zuweyid    0    2    Islamic militants stage two suicide car bombings on a police station.
2015.02.15    Egypt    Benha    1    3    A policeman is picked off in a Muslim drive-by.
2015.02.15    Nigeria    Damaturu    16    30    A teenaged girl blows herself up at a crwded bus station, taking at least sixteen bystanders with her.
2015.02.15    Denmark    Copenhagen    1    2    A 37-year-old Jewish man guarding a synagogue is gunned down by a Muslim radical.
2015.02.15    Iraq    Udhaim    15    0    Fifteen defenders are killed during an ISIS attack on a dam.
2015.02.15    Pakistan    Rawalpindi    1    1    A Sunni activist is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2015.02.15    Iraq    al-Baghdadi    3    0    Three policemen are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.15    Iraq    Hawija    15    0    Fifteen Kurds are captured and executed by ISIS.
2015.02.14    Syria    al-Bab    3    0    The caliphate publicly executes two men and crucifies another to a cheering crowd.
2015.02.14    Pakistan    Shalman    1    1    The driver for a polio vaccination team is murdered by fundamentalist gunmen.
2015.02.14    Denmark    Copenhagen    1    3    A gunman praises Allah and fires into a cafe hosting a frees speech event organized by a cartoonist critical of Islam, killing one participant.
2015.02.14    Iraq    Sadr City    9    0    A Shiite militia ambushes and brutally executes a Sunni leader, his son and seven others.
2015.02.14    Pakistan    Orangi    1    0    A 32-year-old Shiite is gunned down by Sunni radicals outside his photo shop.
2015.02.14    Mali    Mopti    2    3    Two local soldiers are left dead after a surprise attack by a suspected al-Qaeda linked group.
2015.02.14    Tanzania    Tanga    1    5    A police officer is murdered by members of an al-Shabaab offshoot.
2015.02.14    Pakistan    Shar Sadardin    1    0    A young woman is shot to death by her conservative brother on suspicion of sexual activity.
2015.02.14    Libya    Sirte    21    0    Twenty-one Christians are abducted by Islamists, forced to their knees and then beheaded.
2015.02.13    Pakistan    Peshawar    22    65    At least twenty worshippers are massacred by Jundallah gunmen with suicide vests at a Shiite mosque.
2015.02.13    Iraq    Samarrah    6    0    Two children and a woman are among a family of six disassembled by a Mujahid bomb.
2015.02.13    Chad    Ngouboua    10    0    Islamists row across a lake and murder ten villagers in a surprise attack.
2015.02.13    Egypt    Cairo    1    8    A policeman is killed in a roadside bombing by Islamic extremists.
2015.02.13    Iraq    Qaim    9    0    Nine civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.13    Iraq    Qadisiya    7    0    An ISIS crew executes seven policemen.
2015.02.13    Iraq    Rutba    1    0    A boy is executed for criticizing the Islamic State on Facebook.
2015.02.12    Nigeria    Biu    11    20    A female suicide bomber slaughters eleven people at a packed market.
2015.02.12    Pakistan    Maldilan    2    2    A bomb shaped like a toy kills two children, ages 6 and 13.
2015.02.12    Yemen    Baihan    8    0    Eight defenders are killed during an al-Qaeda attack which began with a suicide bombing.
2015.02.12    Iraq    Salamiya    30    0    Thirty people are rounded up and executed for refusing to fight for the Islamic State.
2015.02.12    Yemen    Lahij    1    0    A pilot is shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2015.02.12    Nigeria    Akida    12    0    Twelve villagers are massacred by Boko Haram.
2015.02.12    Nigeria    Mbuta    9    0    Nine villagers are massacred by Boko Haram.
2015.02.11    Iraq    Baghdad    10    25    Ten civilians lose their lives when terrorists send mortar shells into two Shiite neighborhoods.
2015.02.11    Iraq    Mosul    1    0    A female politician is publicly executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.11    Syria    Raqqa    1    0    An ISIS prisoner is executed with a shotgun blast to the head.
2015.02.11    Iraq    Baghdad    9    25    Two Jihadi bombings leave nine dead.
2015.02.11    Iraq    Tikrit    12    37    Three ISIS suicide bombers kill a dozen Iraqis.
2015.02.11    Libya    Benghazi    40    0    Forty severed heads are discovered at a training camp for Islamists.
2015.02.10    Afghanistan    Jalalabad    2    3    A massive suicide attack leaves two dead, including a female politician.
2015.02.10    Afghanistan    Kunduz    1    3    Five suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2015.02.10    Iraq    Baghdad    4    18    Two Mujahid bomb blasts produce a four dead Iraqis.
2015.02.10    Iraq    Madain    2    7    Two civilians are taken out by an IED.
2015.02.10    Somalia    Guri-El    12    30    A dozen people lose their lives when Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama'a attack a government building.
2015.02.10    Iraq    Tarmia    3    10    Ten Shiites are laid out by a Sunni bomb.
2015.02.10    Egypt    Arish    10    0    Ten people are beheaded on video by Ansar Bait al-Maqdis.
2015.02.10    Cameroon    Koza    7    8    Boko Haram hijacks a bus with passengers, kills seven and kidnaps eight young girls.
2015.02.10    Iraq    Samarrah    6    29    A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out six other people.
2015.02.10    Nigeria    Logo    22    20    Fulani terrorists massacre over twenty villagers.
2015.02.09    Iraq    Husseiniyah    4    8    A Jihadi bomb blast rips through a commercial area, claiming four souls.
2015.02.09    Pakistan    Hayatabad    1    0    Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen murder a Shiite doctor.
2015.02.09    Somalia    Mogadishu    3    0    A member of parliament is assassinated by a group fighting for Islamic law. Two bodyguards are also killed.
2015.02.09    Iraq    Kadhimiyah    18    42    A Sunni suicide bomber takes out eighteen innocents near a Shia shrine.
2015.02.09    Syria    Aldbsa    1    0    An elderly man is publicly beheaded for 'witchcraft'.
2015.02.09    Iraq    Mosul    0    15    Fifteen women are reportedly arrested and disfigured with acid by the caliphate for not wearing the niqab.
2015.02.09    Iraq    Mosul    5    0    Five Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.09    Iraq    Saniya    13    6    Over a dozen people at a popular gathering place are torn to pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.02.09    Pakistan    Karachi    1    0    A Shia museaum official is taken down in a Sunni drive-by.
2015.02.08    Niger    Diffa    5    15    A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a pepper market, killing five patrons.
2015.02.08    Afghanistan    Nangarhar    2    1    Militants enter a rival mosque and gun down two people.
2015.02.08    Somalia    Puntland    2    5    Islamic activists roll up to a police checkpoint and throw in a grenade, killing two officers.
2015.02.08    Pakistan    Nari Baba    3    5    Lashkar-e-Islam kill ten members of a peace committee with an IED in a house.
2015.02.07    Iraq    Baghdad    5    13    Five Iraqis are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a commercial district.
2015.02.07    Iraq    Baghdad    22    45    A brutal suicide bombing at a packed restaurant snuffs out the lives of twenty-two innocents.
2015.02.07    Iraq    Jalawla    1    0    A Kurd is tortured and killed on video by Shiite militia.
2015.02.07    Iraq    Baghdad    11    26    Two bombs at a market produce eleven bodies.
2015.02.07    Pakistan    Parachinar    1    0    A Shiite is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2015.02.06    Iraq    Bardiyan    23    0    Twenty-three Yazidi victims of Islamic State execution are found in another mass grave.
2015.02.06    Niger    Bossa    4    13    At least four others are killed during a massive cross-border Boko Haram assault.
2015.02.06    Libya    Benghazi    2    20    A suicide bomber kills a man and child.
2015.02.06    Iraq    Zumar    16    0    Women and children are among sixteen Yazidi victims of an ISIS execution.
2015.02.06    Afghanistan    Ghanikhil    2    0    Two policemen are shot to death by Sunni hardliners.
2015.02.06    Iraq    Ramadi    6    9    Six Iraqis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.02.06    Afghanistan    Washir    2    3    Two civilians are pulled into pieces by a Taliban bomb.
2015.02.06    Afghanistan    Kandahar    1    3    Two suicide bombings claim the life of one other person.
2015.02.06    Syria    Raqqa    1    0    A 26-year-old female American aid worker is reported dead by the Islamic State after being held for a year and a half.
2015.02.06    Iraq    Tikrit    7    4    A suicide car bomber murders seven Iraqis.
2015.02.06    Iraq    Baghdad    3    5    A bomb blast at a market leaves three dead.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
My goal is becaming a billionaire.
February 19, 2015, 01:04:34 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness

Everyone should support this talented man for what he is trying to do against all those ignorant, racist people, whoever they are. Don't you agree?

That's the issue of most people to be honest . Some bunch of people do something wrong and we blame the whole people (the whole 1.5 Billion muslim out there ) and we say that Islam is not a religion of peace etc ... even if people didn't read the full Qoran.
I will give you an example , If I got scammed by a Bitcointalk user , does it make all users here bad and scammers ? If Bitcoin is used by Terrorists and for buying weapons , drugs etc ... Does that make it bad in general ? Of course not .
Bottom line is those people who kill have nothing to do with Islam and they are simply extremists so we can't just blame the whole religion.
After charlie hebdo accident , 3 students got killed in USA because they are muslims , did anyone said anything about it or called the killer "Terrorist" or racist or whatever ? Of course not . but when it cames to Islam , people should start their bullshit and insult it .

~ Madness

The killer was a proven liberal atheist, not a bible reading, NRA tea party member. He did not fit the liberal media propaganda. I have a thread about this too.

All I want to know why he didn't get called a terrorist on the news etc ... So you are telling me the following :
Muslim (or that's what they says) killing Atheists => Terrorists
Atheist Killing Muslim => not Terrorist
Screw logic I guess . Because this have no sense to me

~ Madness
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
February 19, 2015, 01:01:30 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness

Everyone should support this talented man for what he is trying to do against all those ignorant, racist people, whoever they are. Don't you agree?

That's the issue of most people to be honest . Some bunch of people do something wrong and we blame the whole people (the whole 1.5 Billion muslim out there ) and we say that Islam is not a religion of peace etc ... even if people didn't read the full Qoran.
I will give you an example , If I got scammed by a Bitcointalk user , does it make all users here bad and scammers ? If Bitcoin is used by Terrorists and for buying weapons , drugs etc ... Does that make it bad in general ? Of course not .
Bottom line is those people who kill have nothing to do with Islam and they are simply extremists so we can't just blame the whole religion.
After charlie hebdo accident , 3 students got killed in USA because they are muslims , did anyone said anything about it or called the killer "Terrorist" or racist or whatever ? Of course not . but when it cames to Islam , people should start their bullshit and insult it .

~ Madness

The killer was a proven liberal atheist, not a bible reading, NRA tea party member. He did not fit the liberal media propaganda. I have a thread about this too.

hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
My goal is becaming a billionaire.
February 19, 2015, 12:53:21 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness

Everyone should support this talented man for what he is trying to do against all those ignorant, racist people, whoever they are. Don't you agree?

That's the issue of most people to be honest . Some bunch of people do something wrong and we blame the whole people (the whole 1.5 Billion muslim out there ) and we say that Islam is not a religion of peace etc ... even if people didn't read the full Qoran.
I will give you an example , If I got scammed by a Bitcointalk user , does it make all users here bad and scammers ? If Bitcoin is used by Terrorists and for buying weapons , drugs etc ... Does that make it bad in general ? Of course not .
Bottom line is those people who kill have nothing to do with Islam and they are simply extremists so we can't just blame the whole religion.
After charlie hebdo accident , 3 students got killed in USA because they are muslims , did anyone said anything about it or called the killer "Terrorist" or racist or whatever ? Of course not . but when it cames to Islam , people should start their bullshit and insult it .

~ Madness
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
February 19, 2015, 12:45:59 PM

I am here to just say one thing? Why do YOU hate people? and you should really give a valid reason not a shitty one that says 'Because Jews, Because Christians, Because Atheists'
and Yes, I am a people's person for those who ask, just tell me, come out of your shell and say why you HATE people like myself, and I could be here to clarify things to you, or not...
Also here is something that most muslims mistake about people's person like me is that "Christianity or Buddhism hate other religions" for this I say, Christianity or Buddhism does not hate ANY religion, but they suggest to 'invite' them to Christianity or Buddhism or Judaism, as slowly, and peacefully, even if they refuse, you can try and try, until it's their choice, you stop. and for all the wars that happened, it's because this other religion decided to come into war on Christianity or Buddhism or Judaism.

If you need anything clarified, I may not be here to answer you, don't be scared, I won't be offended by anyone, also haters, you can reply, I won't care Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Cheesy

In other news ->

there are only few  muslimans that hate people...not all....Wink

This means that there are only a few Muslims that follow their religion seriously.

Islam doesn't hate. Islam only conquers. Become Muslim or die. No hate. Only conquer... called, "convert to Islam or die."


No one follows their religion seriously. Muslims don't, Christians don't, Jews don't, etc. How can they? The books are full of contradictions. And too much doesn't make sense nowadays (or ever).
thats right... nobody lives how his religion said...we all do mistakes and we cant change that...
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
February 19, 2015, 12:43:19 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness

That is why you are participating to keep it real. Is islam a race or a religion?

It's a religion , but we can call those people "racists" as far as I know .
We still can give other other names if you feel like it , "religious intolerance" , "Sectarian" .. and the list goes on and on .

~ Madness

All my threads are open, until the bitcointalk gods decide otherwise. You are free to use any words that best describe what 'construct (4)' you have in your mind. In my mind 'racist' has a very precise meaning, even including non believers.

Any thought on my question in post #280?

hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
My goal is becaming a billionaire.
February 19, 2015, 12:21:10 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness

That is why you are participating to keep it real. Is islam a race or a religion?

It's a religion , but we can call those people "racists" as far as I know .
We still can give other other names if you feel like it , "religious intolerance" , "Sectarian" .. and the list goes on and on .

~ Madness
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
February 19, 2015, 12:18:42 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness

Everyone should support this talented man for what he is trying to do against all those ignorant, racist people, whoever they are. Don't you agree?

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
February 19, 2015, 12:13:20 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness

That is why you are participating to keep it real. Is islam a race or a religion?

hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
My goal is becaming a billionaire.
February 19, 2015, 12:10:39 PM
It's really sad sometimes to see how racist some people can be . some people here replied with racist comments and have zero knowledge about this religion or any other religion , ignorance .

~ Madness
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
February 19, 2015, 11:44:36 AM
You should reword your question and ask, why do muslim extremists hate people, there's your answer, its the muslim terrorist extremists. not all muslims hate peoples

Then create your own thread with a 'reworded' question. This is exactly what I did when I 'reworded' this thread.

Don't forget to ask OP of that thread to 'reword' his question too...

sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
( -_・)ノ-=≡[$(∞)$]
February 18, 2015, 10:54:38 PM
You should reword your question and ask, why do muslim extremists hate people, there's your answer, its the muslim terrorist extremists. not all muslims hate peoples

Thanks for bringing that up man Smiley
hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 500
February 18, 2015, 10:46:32 PM
You should reword your question and ask, why do muslim extremists hate people, there's your answer, its the muslim terrorist extremists. not all muslims hate peoples
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
February 18, 2015, 09:17:29 PM
Slow boat to Timbuktu - Mali

September 18, 2013 - (Many Pictures)

I was thinking about the scenes and the people from that day recently; I read in Le Monde about the tragedy that befell Tonka when it was overrun by Islamic fundamentalists, and placed under Sharia Law, in 2012.

When the fundamentalists took control of Tonka, they outlawed everyday things: music, smoking, certain types of clothes, certain types of haircut, not wearing a veil and dozens of other things Malian’s took for granted. Le Monde told the story of a hairdresser who was arrested, imprisoned and subjected to vicious beatings and public flogging just for cutting hair in a style the Islamists labelled the ‘Satan cut’. People were daily terrorised for the smallest infractions of Sharia Law, and young boys and girls were kidnapped and recruited to the Islamist ranks.

Mali’s population is predominantly Sunni Muslim. Sunni’s in Mali are known for their mystical Sufi traditions, which allow individuals to define their own spiritual experience, including through music and poetry. In practice, Malian Islam is tolerant and open-minded. The story of the hairdresser from Tonka, instantly sums up the fear and terror which must have existed when the fundamentalists controlled the region. Now they have been driven out by French military intervention, things will hopefully return to normal, although it may take a long time.

sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
( -_・)ノ-=≡[$(∞)$]
February 18, 2015, 07:48:46 PM
islam doesn't hate anything cause islam is not alive and does not have emotions. it's the people who hate people. and hate exists in almost all of us regardless of our faith.

That is why human are not perfect
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
February 18, 2015, 07:38:16 PM
islam doesn't hate anything cause islam is not alive and does not have emotions. it's the people who hate people. and hate exists in almost all of us regardless of our faith.

Wanna learn how to hate big time? Become an Islamic extremist... or a world banker.

Activity: 1120
Merit: 1001
February 18, 2015, 06:57:45 PM
islam doesn't hate anything cause islam is not alive and does not have emotions. it's the people who hate people. and hate exists in almost all of us regardless of our faith.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
February 18, 2015, 04:31:23 PM
That is right this conversation getting worse and worse so i hope that op should lock this threa please !

what s'a matter? Your pet thread isn't getting any action?


Activity: 1135
Merit: 1001
February 18, 2015, 04:22:28 PM

I am here to just say one thing? Why do YOU hate people? and you should really give a valid reason not a shitty one that says 'Because Jews, Because Christians, Because Atheists'
and Yes, I am a people's person for those who ask, just tell me, come out of your shell and say why you HATE people like myself, and I could be here to clarify things to you, or not...
Also here is something that most muslims mistake about people's person like me is that "Christianity or Buddhism hate other religions" for this I say, Christianity or Buddhism does not hate ANY religion, but they suggest to 'invite' them to Christianity or Buddhism or Judaism, as slowly, and peacefully, even if they refuse, you can try and try, until it's their choice, you stop. and for all the wars that happened, it's because this other religion decided to come into war on Christianity or Buddhism or Judaism.

If you need anything clarified, I may not be here to answer you, don't be scared, I won't be offended by anyone, also haters, you can reply, I won't care Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Cheesy

In other news ->

there are only few  muslimans that hate people...not all....Wink

This means that there are only a few Muslims that follow their religion seriously.

Islam doesn't hate. Islam only conquers. Become Muslim or die. No hate. Only conquer... called, "convert to Islam or die."


No one follows their religion seriously. Muslims don't, Christians don't, Jews don't, etc. How can they? The books are full of contradictions. And too much doesn't make sense nowadays (or ever).
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
February 18, 2015, 02:01:01 PM
This is it ^^. Average people have a little bit of larceny in there hearts. But mostly they are rather loving and friendly.

When we are forced to look at the things that our pet religions revolve around, we are often shocked!

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