They are acting the same. And yes Islam itself means peace.
But look on how people are suffering, division of Sunni and Shia.
Where's the peace there?
Islam claims itself as the religion of peace, but there is no peace in any of the countries where that religion is present. Look at the nations which are close to 100% Muslim like Yemen, Afghanistan and Sudan. Almost all of them are embroiled in civil wars.
Can be optimistic and seeing it as a work in progress
Hey are you a Muslim? Optimistic somewhere? Or you are just trolling around.
tell us.
Im not muslim.
Maybe slighly moor origin.
I live in Paris suburb, have many muslim friends.
My girl friend is also muslim ( from Indonesia ) .
Just posting fact about usa war machine propaganda, especially targeting french muslim since bush & 9/11.
Bit fed up to see always the same made in usa propaganda about fake polls and fake news about Islam in france and yadda yadda. It's even illegal to make statstics based on religion in france.
Need to stop the psychosis at some point.
Or at least get to real issues at hand in objective and productive manner, rather than constant hateful bashing, fake polls, double standard, and all the shit about Islam, because it's ridiculous.
Most of french I know think the same with this histeria in Islam, which is not really helping anything, other than usa war machine.
My father do school helping for refugee who are mostly muslim I believe.
It's just a bit tired with the hate and non sense about Islam straight out of internet from people who never see a muslim of there life other than on the internet.
If you want to judges others, need to accept jugement on the same basis too. Otherwise it become injustice.
My background is more spanish / italian, we know all too well that sort of amalgam with refugee from war zones, racism and all.
40 year ago italian and spanish were the Muslim of today. With communism, anarchist mafia and stuff.
Now that we are out of the radar hot spot, can open a bit more our mouth on that whole circus. History repeat itself.
Im not muslim but still vaccinated from propaganda, media lies to support geostrategic stuff.
And I start to know the topic and the pattern with services, brainwashing, indoctrination, to support political interest. Not fooled one second neither by radicals or tv propaganda.
I dont carry people who rejoice on the misery of others to make the show very high in my hearth.
And I dont see the point to quote biased news from Reuters or hara-kiri without giving at least fair re balancing in facts and opinions. I dont see how that's helping or how that's even remotely objective. saul William amethyst rock manu Chao - denia media bs & bass nectar