^^^ See, people such as Dylan Roof are a tiny majority within the Christian community, and people like him seldom get more than 0.01% from the Christians. Now compare this to the situation among the European Muslims, where more than 30% support suicide bombings.
A 2007 Pew Research Center study of several nations throughout the Muslim world showed that opposition to suicide bombing in the Muslim world is increasing, with a majority of Muslims surveyed in 10 out of the 16 of the countries responding that suicide bombings and other violence against civilians is "never" justified, though an average of 38% believe it is justified at least rarely. Opposition to Hamas was the majority opinion in only 4 out of the 16 countries surveyed, as was opposition to Hezbollah.[5] The Pew Research Study did not include Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Libya, and Algeria in the survey, although densely populated Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia, and Bangladesh were included.According to the statistic i assume you are quoting, 30% support suicide bombing
against Hamas or hezbollah. Very few against civilian or innocent. Saying otherwise is propaganda based on truncating statstics.
If 30% Muslim in france would support suicide bombing, it would mean 1 millions suicide bomber.
And the one who does , the connection with Islam is very loose, they dont go to mosquee, are not part of Muslim communities.
Blaming Islam for this is even more loose than blaming christianism for the action of Dylan Roof, or for klux klux klan.
Islam radicalism is copy cat from stay behind operation, psychological warfare, made cia & NATO such as gladio, Grey wolves, except they target people in muslim countries, even if they are not even muslim themselves. And then the media call them islamists. Those indoctrination are not spiritual contents, it's stay behind operation manual.