1. Why is it acceptable for Muslims to demand freedom of religion, that being to practice Islam, in any country they want without fear of repercussions yet those same tolerances are not extended into Islamic countries?
2. Why are Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, etc either imprisoned or killed in Islamic countries for practising their religion in Islamic countries?
3. Why do Muslims not defend themselves against radical Muslims?
4. Why do Muslims not defend the rights of practice of other religions as they expect for their own?
I ask these questions in an open nature with no intent to slur anyone and I will openly admit to being a practising Christian.
Bump - my questions have been overlooked...perhaps because they ask to hard a question?
1) No religious group should ever have to "demand" freedom of religion. The freedom to practice your religion is a constitutional right. Also, your logic is pretty fallacious. You imply that it is unacceptable for Muslims to demand freedom of religion when other countries don't have it. That's like saying Korean-American US citizens shouldn't be allowed to use the internet because the internet is banned in Korea.
3) They do, it's just that our media does not like to portray them doing it because they make an earning out of negativity.
4) I've never heard of a Muslim here in America violating the rights of other religions
Oh, you openly admit to being a practicing Christian? Ever heard of Uganda? They're not exactly your idea of "tolerance" or "acceptability", and they claim to being a Christian nation, with a "Kill the Gays" bill. Does this have anything to do with you? Nope, just like it has absolutely nothing to do with Christians in America.
Hello Awesome,
I am glad you have chosen to discuss these questions however I do hope you can remain on track. The forum opened on a global context and I hope to retain that viewpoint for all when I provide some responses to yourself, and I do hope you engage logically rather than emotionally.
Your points;
1. I agree that no religious group should have to demand freedom to practise their religion so I ask, on a global stage, why do Muslims demand those rights in the west and are granted yet any other religion in any Islamic country would face imprisonment or death for a similar request? Why do Muslims feel this is justified?
3. It is well undertsood amongst non-muslim religions, that to send a missionary into a Muslim country courts potential death. When one person states a wriong doing and they have two or more witnesses, what does the old testament say (common to Jews, Christians and Muslims) in Deuteronomy 19:15? The world sees time and time again, valid charges of wrong doing by Muslim countries yet you find this acceptable because you feel the media is deceiving you. Look beyond your mainstream NBC and find the truth or does it scare you?
4. If no muslim has violated a religious freedom in the US then congratulations and I hope it continues. How do you feel about all the global violations being portrayed, as per the intent of my original question? For me, it is another reason to dis-like Islam.
Now we have cleared the air on the 'racial slur' mis-understanding. Is there any chance you could respond to my thoughts above?