Prove it that praying increases your knowledge and wisdom.
Praying does squat. It will not help us develop new vaccines or find a cure for cancer.
If you think praying works, you are a gullible idiot.
If praying worked we would not have hospitals, hi-tech firms, NASA or research universities. People would just pray to get stuff done.
Prayer, itself, is a form of meditation. There is a strong association between meditation and health. Google it.
Prayer itself doesn't work of itself. It's the relationship between the one who prays and God.
God doesn't act with people who pray alone. He acts with all of His creation. This means that He acts with people when they don't pray, and people who think they never pray... and think that they don't believe in God.
Since you don't believe in God, you wouldn't pray, even if it worked for everyone else. So, we still would have hospitals... places where as many as 800,000 people a year die from accidents and misdiagnosis, in the USA alone. So prove that hospitals are places of healing without prayer.
God doesn't want the prayer as much as He wants a relationship with people. Consider: If a car accident happens right by you, and you don't know who the people are, you might be inclined to help them, simply because they are people. But if they are members of your immediate family, or good friends of yours, you would be inclined to help them way more.
Same with God. He answers prayer of His people because of the relationship He has with them, more than He answers prayer for the people who He doesn't have a relationship with. But if those who are against God seem to be helped more, it's because God wants a relationship with them, as well.
It doesn't hurt God if people are against Him. He doesn't need people to be able to exist, Himself. He needs people because He is the only way that THEY can exist. It's His sympathy and empathy for them that cause Him to want the relationship. Just like you when you see the car accident. Go on your merry way after the accident, and since you weren't involved, it doesn't hurt you one bit. You help because you have sympathy and empathy for those who are hurting in their car accident.
The spirit/soul is a piece of each of us that is the basic form of what we are. God and His Jesus-salvation are the only way that the soul can avoid destruction. Your soul's destruction is something that is terrible way beyond your body's destruction.