It is good to ask for evidence, but you should not ask to see just one piece of evidence; that means that you are only willing to evaluate one piece of evidence, but a good theory has "proofs converging from many and varying classes of phenomena [which] unite in establishing it".
52 points of evidence are found here: 20 Most Convincing Spirit-Contact Cases and The 20 Most Impressive Reincarnation Cases:"There already exists a substantial amount of anecdotal accounts of veridical perception, and it may only be a matter of time before out-of-body veridical perception is proven to exist under strict research controls which will satisfy the skeptics."your precious AWARE study failed miserably, since only one on 152 described any events that could be verified and none could see the images facing the ceiling, supposedly to be well visible by "souls" out of the body:
"In 2001, Sam Parnia and colleagues investigated out-of-body claims by placing figures on suspended boards facing the ceiling, not visible from the floor. Parnia wrote "anybody who claimed to have left their body and be near the ceiling during resuscitation attempts would be expected to identify those targets."
"No subjects saw the images mounted out of sight according to Parnia's early report [...]. Only two out of the 152 patients reported any visual experiences, and one of them described events that could be verified." I think they are wrong. Your AWARE study was a success showing that the near-death experiences reports are just rubbish.
Actually, this evaluation of the AWARE study is
both shallow and misleading.
How can you simultaneously claim that the "reports are just rubbish" and also concede that "one of them described events that could be verified"? It's obvious that you believe in a contradiction because you did not provide any reason to doubt that there was a verified report. A verified report is exactly the opposite of a "rubbish report", don't you agree? Now the skeptics have one verified report to examine, so this study is definitely something of interest to the serious thinker.
Why do you still refuse to admit that this one case proves that more study is needed? You dismiss "only one" verified report as if that is the rational thing to do, but in reality you are dismissing it because it does not fit the rest of your prior beliefs. You act as if there were no verified reports at all, and you never mention that this experiment needs to be re-done with some better controls because there is obviously something interesting going on.
Given that the AWARE study produced no scientifically validated OBEs (a subject seeing a card), you might be inclined to think that my hypothesis had been disproven, however, that would be wrong. Having now fully digested the results from the study, I have come to realize that my hypothesis was based on some very important false assumptions about the powering of AWARE.
Read the details about the methods used in AWARE: even the one who described something verifiable in 150 (that didn't report seeing anything!) could see the well visible images facing the ceiling!
One individual in 152 means just that this one tossed out some inventions and luckily said one or two correctly. Ups, he forget the main ones, the images facing the ceiling.
By the way, are you saying that the other 150 went to "hell"? Why they didn't report seeing the devil? How did none of them saw anything?
Now your precious AWARE study, that made you change your views on religion, is only one peace of evidence? I thought you said it was enough evidence to show that the soul was scientifically proved.
Anecdotal cases of reincarnation? I bet I could find thousand of them on a few sanatoriums! Only Napoleons I would find hundreds...
I bet that could make a case for scientific evidence that Napoleon is alive. Of course, 99,99% would be lying. They can't all be Napoleon.
But with so many saying that they are Napoleon, certainly at least one would have to be telling the truth. Isn't it?