Let's make one thing clear:
God did not write anything.
It is not logical that God would only share truth with a small bigoted group in one tiny area of the Middle East--God does not act unjustly unto his flocks.
But how would you know that the WORD was never written down by someone?
What criteria would you use to say "this word is not of GOD"? Since GOD is a word
without a referent for the atheist, it is
illogical for an atheist to claim that GOD "did not write anything"!
True religion is spiritual religion and is a seeking after God. There are many aids and props which may be of help in the "focusing" of attention but they should only be offered to man and certainly not imposed upon him.
It is essential to seek the Truth of the One God, to learn of His true laws and to serve His Creation. But in order to learn and understand more about the Lord, most of you need guides or spiritual leaders for you cannot accept your own perfection.
Therefore, the problem is to distinguish between the good teachers and the bad teachers, the true prophets and the false; you may rightly recognize the issue as being closely related to the Problem of the Criterion, which is “
one of the most important and one of the most difficult of all the problems of philosophy.”
Emmanuel gave you the exact answer---"YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS."
In other words, one must look to the actions, the fruits of those who would be teachers or guides. Those who preach the ONENESS OF GOD and the brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity, who, like the American Indians, "respect all worship of Him by others and show respect to such things as are held sacred by others", who bring peace and unity to the world by sowing the seeds of love and compassion, patience and tolerance, and who practice what they preach by helping all in need, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, nationality---all “relations”, which, of course, is ALL. These ones are blessed and true "prophets", the Peacemakers--whose guidance you must seek in your spiritual quest. Never the person--always the WORD!
Only he has a right to call himself worthy, who lives in the light of God's word brought to earth by prophets of all religions for only by being in the truth of God's light and truth is one a prophet.
Religions and associations are set up by man who then sets himself up as the decider of truth instead of leaving God's word whole. Ignorance is the cause of religious conflicts from one doctrine to another if they claim their source is God. People talk and yet fail to realize the oneness in All. There is no difference between Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Baha'i or Native Indian. All are from the same mold. Only the veil of ignorance separates them. Ignorance has its roots in the ego, it does not see Him in all things but on a most petty and shallow level.
What is the best name, then, for God? ANYTHING YOU CAN USE TO REMEMBER HIM BY IS BEST: Jehovah, Om, Allah, Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka---whatever, for he knows thy heart-call, not the noise upon thy lips and lungs for those are of earth flesh. The heart soul is that which is of God and to that he always responds--for the call always compels the answer!
You must stop of the separating out of the divisions of the various doctrines and see that that which is wondrous and truth is within all. You must gather the essence of the great perfection from all truth for truth is always truth--always and 100 percent. Man can err and come unto God--man cannot turn from the truth of God and come unto God. If you turn away from the Laws of God and the Laws of The Creation and practice in the ways of Satan and evil, ye shall be left to thy evil and it shall consume of you for evil shall always consume of itself. You may, 100% of mankind, rewrite of the laws and vote upon them by democratic vote---it will change not a hair for changing of them does not make them changed. It only sinks you deeper into the lie for once knowing the truth of it you can never "unknow" of the truth. For another man to tell you a thing which is wrong is right, only makes you the fool if you follow in his stupidity.