Split your wings in 4 groups and forecast them all. Get a massive crypto portfolio so that when one skyrockets, you'll be a millionaire with relatively little work...
Smarter not harder guys...
very massive crypto porfolio of 1$ each? well, no, not a good strategy for sure.
Don't waste time with 4 of them, just pick ONE, MAX TWO if you have more than 10.000 WINGS and forecast.
good reward in 1 project is a lot better than ridicolous reward in 4.
How much are you forecasting with where your past rewards have brought in $1?
10 wings
Wings doesn't really work that well unless you have a decent amount to begin with.
Gas prices would kill any small holder and make it pointless.
I guess let me rephrase. If you can split your groups into at least 1k+ Wings than my strategy is way better than throwing a big dart hoping for an instant payday.
Plus, $1 in Ethereum 2 years ago is worth $300 bucks... In theory, those 4 $1 accounts could become an ez $1k