But it doesn't matter if the woman is the biological mother or not, what's the concern here is that a child is involved and for sure the child didn't know what is going on. So it's the responsibility of the adult to take care of that child and not be a collateral on your gambling addiction because that is the worst that you will do, involved a minor just to continue with your gambling addiction. Yes, and the best thing we can do is that the child is safe by now and live a normal happy life because the child doesn't deserved this. And for the woman, again, hopefully she knows that she did is wrong and change for the better and start her recovery from gambling addiction.
Whoever the woman is must remove the child from this case because the child is not worthy of being used as collateral for his debt, I agree with you that she must be aware of his actions and not involve the child in adult cases, in fact she does not deserve to be brought to a gambling place let alone she made it for guarantee instead of releasing her from debt bondage, I think women also carry out legal prohibitions involving 4-year-old children.
For sure the casino or gambling platform wont really be allowing that kind of stuff which is totally inhuman.This is where people do really end up if severe addiction hits you hard and
you would really be making yourself get drowned with huge debt.You cant really able to avoid on making those actions or decisions without even minding that you are already giving your own child.
For sure this woman would be really that facing up some legal issues on what he had done, this is something not really an action made up on a person who do have
on their right minds.This is why its important that you should really be avoiding gambling if you do see that you couldnt really afford to lose soo much.