1. Downloading Bitcoin client in 2010 and trying to send to an email address...then saying FUCK it. I didn't take another good look at Bitcoin until late 2012.
2. Spending 103-106.6 BTC on a Batch 3 Avalon from Yifu Guo (I STILL SHOULD FILE A LAW-SUIT AGAINST HIM.)
3. Icarus FPGA trade-ins (16 BTC down the drain) again to Yifu Guo
4. Letting my friend run my GPU mine (he didn't take it seriously and machines would be down for days).
In retrospect, there were many obstacles or issues when getting into Bitcoin. I've even received ransom emails by malicious people.
On the other-hand, the experience was quite rewarding:
-I created a very successful business
-I paid off all my debt
-I am on a track of entrepreneurship and enlightenment
All in all...a very unique and valuable life experience.
Very interesting story; the real frustrating thing is when you make a lot of money and lost/spend it all and then you don't make this kind of money anymore
If you changed your life for the better because of Bitcoin it is huge; of course it would have been better if you could have make the best out of it by being more concentrated on it and less careless