runpaint, seriously, you must have Stockholm Syndrome or are too deeply invested to let this one go if you are defending Joe here.
I'm defending XAI. Do you actually have anything bad to say about XAI? Isn't it true that XAI is capable of connecting two different blockchains, and has been since 6 months ago?
I'm mining Fractalcoin right now, and its devs quit about a year ago after working for 2 months. There are no devs, but the coin still works exactly as intended. You can say whatever you want about the devs, but it doesn't matter as long as the coin network still functions.
I would have to find the post, but I know I remember him saying XQN and XAI were his first coins, so he lied from the start.
I remember you saying that you knew he had worked on other coins, and you said you liked that about him.
He posted his real name and linkedin profile on this thread, last November, before the crowdsale was complete. He wasn't pretending to be a guy named Cedric, he told us his name was Joe Mozelesky. So it's not exactly a shock for someone to post all these links saying "He's busted! He's the same guy who posts as JoeMoz!"
Let's be honest, who the hell needs a smart contract
Okay grandpa, remember when you said "Who the hell needs the email when I can send a letter for just one stamp?"
and why in god's name would they want to put their smart contract on XAI's blockchain?
It's been established long before Ethereum. Today Ethereum's devs were recommending a full 24 hours worth of confirmations, in case they have to reset the blockchain and erase all of today's transactions. I think I'd rather put my contract on Sapience AIFX.
No person or company of any relevance is going to use a smart contract until the technology has been thoroughly tested and they are going to put them on the biggest, most secure blockchain with the widest network
And the winner remains to be seen. Maybe it's a coincidence that all this FUD comes to XAI the same day Ethereum is launching. Or maybe these people are Concern Trolls, pretending that they're super worried about how XAI is doing, when they don't even use it or hold any coins. Like you said, people will use the biggest network, and therefore the holders of other coins have a financial incentive to smear Sapience.
I find this sentence odd, "But if Ethereum is successful, it will require a lot of people use it. Same for XAI. No dev team can make a coin successful without users. Joe fights for the users."