Now that you are online, can i ask you a VanityGen question?
Found some nice addresses, can import them in console & after a restart they show up in my receive coins address list.
But i can't copy the public key, is this because the "-F compressed" param is not working from the compiled version has online?
Hmm... I had no problem with it at all. Did you try to view the wallet detail through the paper wallet?
Oh ya, if you are getting a cannot get public key error, make sure your wallet is unlocked at least for staking.
Knew you could help me with this
Compiling C on windows is a challenge i stay away from atm
And yes, am coding a visual chain explorer atm. Getting info from raw data is how i make a living so it seemded the only way i could help XC was a visual blockchain & a dashboard with stats/coin movement/arbitrage etc. Thats the nice part with my job, when you start digging in raw data there is always info to find that you where not looking for:) and a blockchain contains so much.
Now busy porting my poc into azure
Cool. Glad to be of help.
Funny thing is... that's exactly what I am doing too. It is basically a fun and learning exercise for me. The timestamp within the input transaction really put a wrench in there since Bitcoin didn't have timestamp within the blockchain for input. I am doing it in C# myself and should have a web aspect that will have the visualization.