Thus far we've got:
- XChat
- The TOR Stick
Well we now have...
XChat that connects to TOR nodes!This is the new version of XChat (2.47g), downloadable now:
Ubuntu How to connect to TOR:When you install it, you'll find "xcurrency.conf" in the installation folder that you selected during the installation.
Copy "xcurrency.conf" to %appdata%/roaming/xcurrency and you're good to go!
About how it connects to TOR:XChat over TOR works just fine with other nodes, whether these are on TOR or not.
XChat over TOR is
not as secure as XChat in the TOR Stick, which has its own node built-in. Instead it connects to external TOR nodes. But it's pretty intensely private anyway.
See you all tomorrow for the TOR Stick release...
so Dan just secretly sneaked in TOR functionality in today's update?
do we have to look for hidden features in future updates too?
You still need the tor-browser bundle, I just included a TOR seed node.
At this time, TOR will be kept outside of the wallet, so that TOR can be updated separately outside of the wallet... So moving forward we will keep those 2 software stacks separate.
This update just enables Windows or Linux users to download the TOR Browser bundle and quickly enable XC to use TOR
if you want ONLY TOR connections, use onlynet=TOR, if your okay with also reaching IPV4 nodes OVER TOR, you can leave that out
XCHat has been extensively tested over TOR and you can communicate with NON-TOR users and TOR users at the same time.