Here is a link to all of the Guardian contact information, they carry out regular Snowden updates and have mentioned him being on encrypted chat etc etc
Here is a link to all the snowden articles
Could be worth reading before reaching out to them....
My initial thought though is to use one of these two contacts, to get a better contact on who to approach about this
Chris Elliott - Guardian readers' editor
[email protected]
Guardian readers' editor page
Stephen Pritchard - Observer readers' editor
[email protected]
Observer readers' editor page
Here is a quote from one of his lectures...
"In his lecture, titled "You’ve Lost Privacy, Now They’re Taking Anonymity (aka Whistleblowing is Dead – Get Over It)", he spoke in vivid numbers and geographies. He said that every time I crossed nearby Bryant Park, I would be photographed 150 times, and that only five percent of my face was necessary to enable facial recognition software. Such software would be able to instantly summon up a profile that would include all the available information about me, released voluntarily on social networks or collected involuntarily by big data."
Sounds like he would love XC
Take a read
Thank you sir! That's great. I now have several links to follow up on :-)