We try to fit it into three words. Secure. Private. Untraceable.
In reality, it's tens of thousands of lines of code.
It's tens of thousands of posts, all part of a recent living past.
It's thousands of people, each an individual beating heart.
All sitting down mashing buttons on a keyboard.
And it's so much more than that.
It's value.
It's the realization that when you wake up every new morning, there's an option to take the value you bring unto yourself through hard work and exchange value for value.
It doesn't force itself on you, you weren't born in its country of origin, but of its world.
It's a grand renouncement that security through third party is a choice of the past, a heralding trumpet that will signal a new age.
We no longer need to allow our value to sit in a vault - our minds have produced such fantastic technology that vaults are archaic.
Nobody can take it while you're on vacation in Puerto Rico, or even when you're in Prague, Vienna or Budapest.
Nobody can take it from you on the street after coming at you with an axe on a bungled cash job in some low class neighborhood.
You can't wear it on your neck, or fingers, without still being able to instantaneously transfer its value into some other asset.
Security has been replaced with portability. No matter where that hammer falls, it will move faster.
And if it can't, it can also be destroyed instantaneously. The value can be completely removed from this world in a matter of seconds. That's a very rare property - as if we're all trading Mona Lisa's or Guernica's.
It's value that doesn't have use for war, because it doesn't have guns - You have no need to conquer the Ukraine in order to maintain the validity of your war token. No, now the only reason for doing so would be to obtain more for yourself not in spite of my own war token.
It's the acknowledgement that state-sponsored currency, and state-sponsored laws don't really mix - because my town's police officer isn't gonna fine my town's fireman because they'd literally just be paying themselves and no money would be made for the town. You didn't think they gave these people a break because they were friends, did you?
But why would we simultaneously create a body that both passes laws, yet doesn't check themselves with these same laws - insanity. And the insanity is rooted in the fact that there's no profit in checking themselves.
Fact is - they're gonna run out of profits if they keep trying to profit regular people. If they want to eat their own tail, then why not feed it to them?
And it's more than that, still.
It's never having to stash some cash under your mattress, in the freezer, or buried in your lawn - because it's private, you can just as easily place it into multiple accounts. Because it's both fungible and infinitely divisible, as well as portable you can tattoo it on your skin, hide it in your memory.
Imagine a world where, at the very thought of it, one can recall into existence impossible sums of value through just human memory alone - this is where were at here! We have achieved the very pinnacle of security!
No minimum account balances, no running to the ATM's, no micro fees for using the gas station ATM's still running on abysmal dial-up. Now that same dial-up can afford one the absolute best in security - because that's what any value can afford in this day.
It's not having to rush to the bank on Friday to grab some traceable ATM cash, to go on a permanent record that's available for sale to the highest, and most dangerous bidder.
It's the resolute middle finger, saying nothing else other than "I've got this, I don't need you to manage my money, because I'm afraid you've been trying to manage me more than my money".
It's quitting that, yet still giving the exact same as before. Everything you're giving is valuable enough to live on, now .. right? So then why do we need to pay for money management in 2014? It's now free as in freedom.
Fractional reserves hardly need to exist to the extent that they do. I mean how much more do you really need to print if they were really working?
It's still more, though.
It's the knowledge that privacy is just that - your own personal privacy.
Not you and your account holders secrets. I mean when I find myself taking even a second out of my day to thank the good bank of america for not telling my family I happen to go to mcburgertown every few days well then all I can really think is "What the hell kind of reality is this? How did I get here?"
Why should I ever have that thought? Ideally, mcburgertown wouldn't even know my name. Yet there it is, all over both their and the banks records, yet none of my own - because I happen to throw away the receipts. I've given them control over the records without even thinking about it, and have released control over my own ability to keep a private record.
It's like I'm part of the situation, but not really necessary for the endgame. Really, what's stopping the bank from just throwing five bucks at mcburgertown because it's something I would be expected to do? And why is this public knowledge? The only person that should know I ate some mcburgers is myself, and the only information they should get out of that was that customer xxafngoawerngoawernhgoaeng4388g2394gn349qn4g934gn934h9349h3n9hn359nh935nh953 bought some mcburgers, and paid adequate value.
It's the freedom to not leave your identity as a reproachable vector for you to pay more than what you're getting, unless you give it to them and not some sort of 'fact' that everyone is just entitled to.
It's the halt of charity of information to otherwise totally unrelated groups and orginazations.
And that's just one twenty minute window of what it really is, which changes and grows every day.