U guys should be trying to compare Monero to
DogeCoinDark not DarkCoin AnonCoin or ShadowCash.
Did you read the question I replied to?
I got some time to read more about Cryptonote and its origins and oh boy what a rollercoster... I can't the math but the concept seems superior to Bitcoin if "e-cash" is the goal.
I market it as "
true electronic cash" (Bitcoin being "fake electronic cash" although I never dub Bitcoin this, PR-wise it would be terrible).
Why true electronic cash? Because cash in its ideal form (coins, not banknotes) has no way of being traced. No tracking like debit card/Bitcoin, no serial numbers like banknotes...
Because Thank to this, as binaryFate mentions it, Monero's fungibility is higher than Bitcoin (fungibility: lack of way to tell one unit from another - dioxygen is fungible, for instance). Monero is even more fungible than coins, actually (DNA traces on coins, not on Monero)
(the last sentence, albeit true, is tongue-in-cheek)