Updated version. Step 5, 6 should be temporary and 7 should eventually not need
This tutorial requires using the terminal and is for an Ubuntu-based Linux (it requires ppa, so won't work with other Debian-based).
1. If no previous non-DB version of Monero exists on this machine, install monero and choose option
1 then
y (this is just for installing the dependancies) - download the blockchain (long)
cd ~ && rm -f install_monero.sh && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Quanttek/install_monero/master/install_monero.sh && bash install_monero.sh
2. Close bitmonero and simplewallet
3. Run this command. It will install
liblmdb-dev and
libunbound-dev and grab only the code you need (a variant of the code on a different directory, so it won't delete your working monero)
sudo apt-get install libunbound-dev liblmdb-dev && mkdir -p ~/bitmonero-testing && cd ~/bitmonero-testing && rm -rf bitmonero && git clone https://github.com/tewinget/bitmonero.git --branch blockchain --depth 1
4. compile
cd ~/bitmonero-testing/bitmonero && make
5. back up your blockchain
cp ~/.bitmonero/blockchain.bin ~/.bitmonero/blockchain.bin-backup
7. [WORKAROUND] create
/home/user/.bitmonero (no need to be an user, just the folder)
sudo mkdir /home/user/ && sudo mkdir /home/user/.bitmonero
8. [WORKAROUND] copy the blockchain here
sudo cp ~/.bitmonero/blockchain.bin /home/user/.bitmonero/blockchain.bin
9. Convert the blockchain with the new aptly-named "blockchain_converter"
cd ~/bitmonero-testing/bitmonero/build/release/src && sudo ./blockchain_converter
10. Wait several dozen of minutes - you won't see anything, that's normal. If you want to check it is actually converting, open a new terminal and type top. The
blockchain_conv process shall be consistently on top.
11. Start daemon and wallet, try some small transactions. Check the CPU and RAM also
Use testnet, not mainnet. Better safe than sorry.
Also, I have this issue so I can't go any further:
sudo ./blockchain_converter
block 0/364155 (0%)
Error adding block to new blockchain: std::exception