I set up some guidelines in the donation thread, one is the accountability and transparency in the use of donations:
- who decides how money is spent
- who spends it
- how is it accounted for and monitored.
I kindly ask the devteam to write a few lines about this, so I feel much better to donate and promote others to do so.
EDIT: I don't have any distrust towards Monero devs, but there's a certain Forum that calls me Donator for the reason that I donated 10 BTC to them and none of it has been used for anything useful, as far as I know.
Sure: we've published the view key for the donation wallet precisely so there can be transparency (although, admittedly, the tooling does not exist as yet for anyone to peek in). The core team all decide together when money has to be spent.
A typical example could be where a team member wants to spend 20 hours working on Monero in a week. This necessitates them not spending those 20 hours working on their "normal" stuff that makes sure they can pay their bills at the end of the month. In this event, they can indicate the minimum rate necessary for them to recoup this lost income, and it is paid out of the dev donations.
Similarly, the cost of bandwidth used to serve blockchain downloads is heavy. We are moving those to infrastructure on unmetered ports, but that infrastructure also carries a cost.
Of course, since the donations have been slow, 90% of this is typically paid by those of us in the core team that have funds on-hand, in the hopes of recouping them at some point in the future.
Every expenditure is noted. We will likely make this public in some form in the future, but that will be subsequent to us receiving legal and financial advice as to the tax and privacy implications in doing so.