Bikini, sexy shirts and etc. you can find everywhere. My brand has its own identity and a lot of followers.
I don't really think anyone could stop you. I'm not going to lie to you, judging by the amount of people on poloniex now compared to 4 days ago .. there's not so many people trading this. Literally 27.4k followers is probably 5-10x the amount of people that have even heard about this currency. Dick pix are kinda shocking though .. for a first time viewer
. Kind of an awkward 'user-friendly' public face, if you'd like the blunt truth.
You said 'don't shoot me down just yet' so care to make a sales pitch about how "I'm a female pervert. I like Girls/Boys and Shemales. (18+) I don't post personal pic's and I don't do skype so don't even ask." can work out in the way you're describing?
Monero's not really an image .. it's a currency, and its goal is mainstream adoption; therefore, it would be logical to say that you and your followers are under that umbrella (whether anyone's willing to admit it or not). It's also decentralized. If you've been following this thread .. that means you can do whatever you want as a third party .. so long as you're willing to take on whatever blowback comes your way (if at all). If you're fishing for an endorsement .. well there's nobody here sitting in a CEO chair. There's a select few working much harder than someone like myself who writes nonsense, and I'd take suggestions from them .. but in the end some people will support you and some will be against you, who they are is just noise. Call your own shots fella.
"Dick pix are kinda shocking though .. for a first time viewer
. Kind of an awkward 'user-friendly' public face, if you'd like the blunt truth."
To be honest, the 'theme' of my twitter account is designed to be a little shocking, but in a humorous way rather than repulsive one, if you get me. I was thinking along the lines of all the other memes you get in this space, some of which are just plain gross but it provides a strong identity which says 'we have energy and power' - at least I think so. And that's what's needed to gain initial viral appeal right at the start.
There will ofc be those who play the 'pervert card', as you yourself wrote, but that kinda language gets dull quickly and i hope people are mature enough to focus on more important priorities than random stuff about my private life and image! what would any of that achieve?
I hope the guys who are sweating away behind the scenes are willing to at least lend me an ear and get some energy behind Monero's promotion. I think even if it's an image that takes some getting used to, if you back it up with half decent strategy and the combined know-how of the community, it can and will work. Imagine Conchita Wurst being a crypto advocate by day if you like - uncomfortable at first, but with time, people would a) get over it and b) see its marketing potential if it came with good ideas.
I'm open to your opinions everyone...